Chris Matthews’ Second (Daytime) Nocturnal Emission

Barack Obama,Bush,Homosexuality,Journalism,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Media,Sex


The day Obama sacked Stanley was a good day for MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. As I observed, “Chris managed to disguise arousal with folderol about the act instantiating the genius of the Constitution.” Famous for experiencing something akin to a nocturnal emission when BHO was crowned—“thrill up the leg” he called it—Chris is now calling on Obama to become his Enforcer; make him feel as though BHO is cracking that whip. Hmmm. If I recall, Matthews didn’t much like it when The Decider did IT to him.

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4 thoughts on “Chris Matthews’ Second (Daytime) Nocturnal Emission

  1. Steve Hogan

    Consistency isn’t exactly the hallmark of big government liberals, especially from media hacks like Matthews.

  2. Myron Antiwar Pauli

    The media (like Matthews) are dunderheads. Senator Webb has some idea how bad it really is. Face it, 300,000 NATO troops and contractors and a 400,000 man Afghan Army/Police cannot hold off the Taliban who are ill-equipped (funded mostly by ripping off American protection money*** !) and
    mediocre but determined fighters:

    What is Matthews obsessed with? Why didn’t Jim Jones show up? How about seating arrangements at dinner or which wine gets served? When you live in the Bull***t Capital of the Solar System, you obsess with “process” as if the world is one giant Debutante’s Ball.

    *** As for who funds the Taliban, it is Ilana Mercer, Sarah Palin, Anna Pauli, and all the American taxpayers. See:

    plus our “friends” in the Pakistani ISI. All this idiotic war because Al Queda who may be currently in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, and Detroit – MIGHT move to a cave in Afghanistan instead (good – how much further removed can one be than Afghanistan??). As for which General heads this retarded war, one might as well appoint Lady Gaga instead of David Petraeus for all the non-difference it would make!

    Then Chris Matthews can worry about General Gaga’s outfits!

  3. Robert Glisson

    Spin back two hundred thirty years and you have a conversation between a member of the House of Commons speaking with the London Times about the ‘American situation’ Nation building or establishing a central government in the midst of a country dedicated to the concept of ‘free states.’ The British couldn’t subdue us, what makes our government think we can subdue someone else that believes in freedom of government? I did like MSNBC’s Chris Matthews statement that the big O promised a transparent government and we have never seen the real Obama, just talking heads.

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