Watching The Words

Constitution,English,Glenn Beck,Internet,Journalism,Liberty,Literature,Media


Judge Andrew Napolitano delivered a fine editorial tonight on the not-so-wonderful-mind slot (The Glenn Beck Show). If only Fox News believed in the written word and posted the transcripts along with the image. (Good luck locating the same editorial on the Freedom Watch space.) For those of us who still like to read and post words, not images, FoxNews is one of the worst offenders. (I know, select transcripts will eventually propagate on the page, days later.) Reading is faster and more economical than watching a screen.

7 thoughts on “Watching The Words

  1. lonegranger

    Noetic, unbound inventions, e.g. government and most computer systems, always fail! Constant alterations and additions cause internal conflicts in basic principles. Like an engine with an unbalanced flywheel. It runs fine for a while, but each rotation induces wear and effects further imbalance until the operation becomes chaotic and the engine self destructs.

    Alas, Alack! The US government is so out of touch with its origins; the explosion has already occurred. Our politicians are viewing the strewn parts in the hopes of reassembling the engine, lobed flywheel and all.

    Have a nice day.

  2. greenhell

    What a wonderful overview of the proper role of our government, the history behind it, and the corruption of it covered in the last 5 minutes of the video. If you don’t have time to watch the whole video, I highly recommend watching that portion starting at 35:30.

    Also, I agree on the speed of reading over watching a video. A transcript can be digested more completely and in less time than watching the video. I focus when I read, but since I often have video on in the background, it’s not something my mind latches on to.

  3. Myron Pauli

    Fox News is 95% partisan Republican-Conservative – e.g. statists like (Orwellian) “Freedom Agenda” Sean Hannity. Napolitano is on the Fox Business Network (less viewers) and once per week on the Fox News Network. He is wonderful although somewhat OBLIGATED to have a lot of “conservatives” as guests and to jab the statist Democrats 2.5 times for every jab at the statist Republicans.

    More typical of the “Fascist” News Network are jackasses like Dick Morris, new author of “Revolt! How to Defeat Obama and Repeal His Socialistic Programs”

    which is, of course, nonsense. Most of Obama’s obscenities are just repackaged versions of Bush Bailouts, Bush Healthcare, Romneycare, etc. Morris was now advocated universal drug testing of all children! If this is defeating socialism, then I’m Desmond Tutu! Why defeat Obama to get McCain??

    And sadly, Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano and John Stossel are exceptions among the general statist Right which still wants to save Medicare, bomb Afghanistan, and jail pot smokers – – when not promoting complex tax subsidies, agribusiness subsidies, and other expensive gimmickry and mischief (occasionally sprinkled with some sound but insincere rhetoric on the free market).

    By the way, Stossel has an excellent column on the Green economy:

  4. Bob Schaefer

    Napolitano is spitting in the wind.

    The left’s incessant push for unsustainable federal spending is not an ironic mistake but a conscious, political strategy. Democrat spendthrifts in Congress enjoy two primary benefits from this strategy: unlimited pork for their welfare-loving, populist constituents and a potent political hammer to use on serious Republican budget cutters — “who prey on the most vulnerable among us, the elderly and children.”

    Serious Republican efforts to cut the budget will quickly evaporate in the face of this shameless, Democrat demagoguery.

    Faced with unsustainable debt, Democrats and Republicans will ultimately compromise on the only solution able to save the welfare state and at the same time appeal to the insatiable, populist masses: a huge tax increase “on the rich” (or so it will be sold) but in reality a massive tax on the people themselves, namely, the VAT tax.

    Welcome to the Democratic Socialist States of America.

    This strategy is actually based on the strategy of Reagan Republicans in the 80’s who relied on supply-side economics rather than the VAT Tax as their fiscal savior.

    Alluring in the short run, such a strategy in the long run will result in either slow death for the US ala Europe, or an all out armed rebellion ala the American Revolution. Or the former mixed with a taste of the latter.

    Either way, we are doomed.

  5. Myron Pauli

    To Bob S – there is miniscule difference between Democratic and Republican big spenders. Republicans only TRY tax cuts when there are Democrats (in the Senate and Obama) who will actually stop them from the attempted cuts.

  6. Bob Schaefer

    To Myron — Sadly, when speaking of party majorities, you are correct. I had hoped that the new influx of Tea Party-backed Republicans would make a difference in the House. However, the difference is slight. The old guard is too well entrenched.

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