Guess Who’s Pooh-Poohing Tea Parties & Touting The Political Process?

Elections 2008,libertarianism,Liberty,Media,Politics,Taxation,The State


Mr. Neal Boortz is a big fan of the political process, which is why serious libertarians consider him a serious statist par excellence.

Boortz admonished irate Americans to:

“Use your tea bags to make tea and do something meaningful. Go around your workplace or neighborhood and register voters who actually produce and contribute to our society. Trust me, there are enough people out there registering the parasites, find the producers who don’t vote – convince them that their vote is needed and would count – and sign them up. Then take a copy of their voter registration, put it with the other copies you’ve already collected, and send them to your congressman.”

The palsied haters of the liberal press are not covering the Tea Party movement. When they do, it is with the toffee-nosed contempt they reserved for Sarah Palin, the Moose hunting mama.

Newsweek’s latest cover, “The Thinking Man’s Guide To Populist Outrage,” could just as well have read “Those hick rubes are at it again.”

I’ve protested the diffuse, directionless nature of the rage animating the masses. The eruption of civil society, however, is a good thing; far better than registering people to partake in a rigged charade. (Presumably, Boortz wants society’s producers to vote for a Republican.) But, right now, with the exception of a few pockets, the populist uprising is a bit of a headless chicken.

In any event, like the liberals, Boortz seems to need to show that he’s wiser than the yokels.

4 thoughts on “Guess Who’s Pooh-Poohing Tea Parties & Touting The Political Process?

  1. JP Strauss

    Maybe a good old fashioned revolution is exactly what this world needs. I would love the day we get to stand up fix this world again. My family has been in the revolution business for hundreds of years, so I’ll be glad to offer my time and advice.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Boortz says “WE’VE lost control of our government” – meaning the Republicans have lost control of a government which, perversely, functions to control the people rather than merely secure the rights of the people. Supposedly, I should follow Boortz and endorse the government monitoring every purchase made by Americans so to enforce a 30% “Fair Tax” Sales Tax on a single mother working at the Dollar Store to pay for “abstinence education” in schools VS. the Democrats’ idea of an inheritance tax on football stadium owner’s kids to pay for condoms in schools. This garbage is, sadly, what separates the two sides of the statist coin. Should government send my money to Blackwater mercenaries in Iraq or ACORN volunteers in Harlem? Line up and choose your poison, folks – Republican arsenic or Democratic strychnine? P.S.: Speaking about “anti-American” subversives like us, there is a excellent historical article in the American Conservative magazine: P.S#2:
    It is amazing how many (ignorant) Americans are upset over the .1% going to bonuses but NOT the fact that American’s remaining property is being STOLEN to redeem the banksters’ idiotic and irresponsible “losses” while investments of ordinary Americans have lost 50% or more equity.

  3. EN

    Boortz will always grumble with some libertarian jargon… and then get on the Statist bus. Happens every time and I couldn’t have been happier to see him leave our radio market.

  4. Michel Cloutier

    I really wonder what the fuss over those AIG bonuses is about? Remember Robert Nardelli, who left Home Depot with a $210 million dollar parachute, just for one guy, after having seen his company’s stock tank? Seems it’s standard practice for America’s ‘kleptocracy’. You guys need more than a Tea party. How about a full-fledged revolution to overthrow your ‘nobility’? Poachers masquerading as game wardens will never change their ways. Why would they ? Get rid of them ! There’s an entrenched culture of ‘privilege without responsibilities’ that needs to be uprooted before America goes the way of the late Soviet Union.

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