A Rehearsed Rubio Goes Into Robot Mode



The Rubio robot constructed by establishmentarians to succeed to the throne has revealed its robot circuitry. The Marco Rubio news channel, Fox News, so riddled with Rubio operatives, can’t be happy that the Rubio robot broke down.

Rubio said he would “dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing.” But once became four times, setting Chris Christie up for a zinger.
“There it is. There it is,” Christie said. “The memorized 25-second speech.”

“Consistency may be a virtue—except when you’re being criticized for going rote in a field where others go rogue.”

Rubio repetitiveness:

Rubio Sponsors:

Rubio on immigration:

On rebooting Marcobot:

(Thanks, Washington Post, for providing a transcript of the GOP debate, Feb. 6, to those of us who still favor the written word.)