UPDATED: Lincoln Myth Busting

History,Neoconservatism,Political Correctness,Propaganda,Republicans,States' Rights,War


I was one of the folks who contacted Tom DiLorenzo asking him to dispel any developing myths about Bill O’Reilly’s new book, which deals with that killer, Abe Lincoln. After all, who better to dispatch O’Reilly and his Abe-adulating Killing Lincoln, than the Lincoln Myth Buster himself? Writes Tom at LRC.COM:

“Quite a few people have emailed me begging me to critically review Bill O’Reilly’s new book, Killing Lincoln, about the assassination. They do this not because they have read the book, which is a big, boring bag of nothingness, but because they’ve heard O’Reilly spout the neocon party line about ‘Father Abraham’ on his television show and they smell a rat.

I’ve read the book, and it really is a big bunch of nothing. All it is is a narrative of the events leading up to the assassination. Over 100 books are already in print on the subject, and all O’Reilly and his coauthor do is cut and paste what others have written on the subject, but without including a single footnote! The authors also have the annoying habit of writing things like, ‘in his mind, he was thinking that . . . ‘ as though they could know what Lincoln was thinking when he did this or that 150 years ago. This is a standard practice of the ‘Lincoln scholars,’ who also constantly claim to know what was ‘in his heart’ (nothing but love and kindness, of course) in their writings.” …


UPDATE: Thanks, Mari, for the Salon link. Of course, liberals would never pan a Lincoln book because it lauds a mass murderer who sundered the Constitutional scheme forever and sicced brother against brother:

“A reviewer for the official National Park Service bookstore at Ford’s Theatre has recommended that Bill O’Reilly’s bestselling new book about the Lincoln assassination not be sold at the historic site “because of the lack of documentation and the factual errors within the publication.”

Rae Emerson, deputy superintendent at Ford’s Theatre, which is a national historic site under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service, has penned a scathing appraisal of O’Reilly’s “Killing Lincoln: The Shocking Assassination that Changed America Forever.” In Emerson’s official review, which I’ve pasted below, she spends four pages correcting passages from O’Reilly’s book before recommending that it not be offered for sale at Ford’s Theatre because it is not up to quality standards.

7 thoughts on “UPDATED: Lincoln Myth Busting

  1. Mari Tyers

    The Ford’s Theater museum also panned the book, and said they would not sell the book in their store. (I can’t find the link right now, but will post it later.)

  2. Bill Meyer

    Lah-Lah-Lah-Lah-Lah, I can’t HEAR you Thomas D. and Ilana M. EVERYONE knows that Lincoln is GOOD, freed slaves, preserved government for the people, healed the sick, raised the dead. Seriously, when will we all finally get over this “Church of Abe”? One of my radio listeners practically blows an anyeurism [LOL] when I discuss these truths. Poor guy, he has a virtual shrine to the great centralizer on his personal website. Oh, and he’s a government school teacher. (Go figure)

  3. james huggins

    The Lincoln myth is part and parcel of the fabric of our nation’s history. The fact that it’s mostly lies and propaganda is unrealized by most.

  4. michael deloatch

    perhaps the sword was nabbed from the unshaved tyrant’s tomb in the past few days so it can be suspended over bill o’reilly like the sword of damacles?

  5. Steve Hogan

    If people knew the truth about good ol’ Abe, what would they do with Mount Rushmore?

    Come to think of it, carving out faces of dead presidents on a mountain is downright creepy. Why do Americans allow this nonsense?

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