Pols Help Purge Your White Geek Sons From American High-Tech

Education,IMMIGRATION,Labor,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Racism,Technology


Presumably not even a self-loathing left-liberal, consumed with a homo-erotic longing for the people of the Third World, would wish to purge his flesh-and-blood from America’s great high-tech companies. A vote for Republicans and Democrats will guarantee that home-grown white high-tech talent is JOBLESS.

Other than Donald Trump, all the G-d-awful presidential candidates continue to carp about the need to import more Indians and Asians (the so-called best in the world) to do the high-tech work their sons and daughters, presumably, can’t do. Trump has also repeated this canard, on occasion (“we need good people, but they have to come in legally,” or something like that).

Indeed, even Mr. Trump has shown no awareness of the following fact and its implications (gleaned while writing an intro to one of the chapters in a new volume for publication):

“Strangely enough, the demographic breakdown of ethnicities in tech roles doesn’t mirror graduating computer science students. 60 percent of recent bachelor computer science grads were white and only 18 percent Asian. By comparison, for eBay, Yahoo, and LinkedIn, Asian employees actually outnumber the white employees by a sizable margin.” (“Eight charts that put tech companies’ diversity stats into perspective.”)

Can that kind of enormous ratio discrepancy, in a majority white country, be explained away by allusions to:

* differences in aptitude and productivity between whites and Asians.
* the fact that white kids are often freighted by hippie parents, who’ll urge the family’s computer-science graduate to pursue his passion in … Hollywood.
* data suggesting Americans with graduate degrees are … dumber than cohort across the developed world.

I suspect the Treason Class and its immigration policies are at work.

Trump is a quick study. He’ll pick up on the fact that DC pols are purging America’s white, geek sons from American high-tech. But inoculate himself Trump must against the professional political handlers.