Daughter Dominatrix

Feminism,Gender,John McCain,Politics,Relatives,Republicans,The Zeitgeist


What is it about the Republican presidential- and vice presidential contenders that they sire and celebrate the most brazen of tarts as daughters?

I am referring to the clone of a woman whose genetic material should not be replicated. The clone is Elizabeth Huntsman, daughter/dominatrix to Jon Huntsman. The real McCoy is Meghaaaann McCain. IQ-wise, the Huntsman valley girl, whose voice also sounds as though it has been squeezed from the other end of her anatomy (to use a Greg-Gutfeld analogy I’ve refined)—is better endowed, no doubt. Meghaaan is mega-dense.

Otherwise, the two females share more than puffy, painted mugs, and the extra pounds they carry with such in-you-face, “You-go-girl” pride. (“I’m like, a real womaaaan.”)

Meghan is still the greatest ditz to date to emerge from that big tent that Republicans keep touting. But in contemporary America, where youth is imbued with mythical qualities, and Rousseau’s Noble Savage is applied to small savages—both E. Huntsman and M. McCain are destined for “greatness.”

Huntsman’s other two daughters, Abigail and Maryann, are rather refined, lovely young ladies, And they don’t need a voice coach either. Their propensity for mind-numbing political banalities is another matter entirely.

The new “Jon” on the block (as opposed to the old political pimp, John McCain) doesn’t look good when he lets a tasteless tartlet p–sy whip him in public.

5 thoughts on “Daughter Dominatrix

  1. sunny black

    A sly move on Huntsman’s part pimping out his daughters like that on the Hannity comedy hour. If FOX viewers know it’s only Huntsman, they’ll be prone to instinctively flip to another channel (and rightly so). But when Huntsman goes on with his admittedly attractive spawn, he’s more likely to have male FOX viewers stick around for the duration.

    I myself happened upon the interview already in progress, and I stuck around for a few extra seconds in order to unravel the mystery of why Huntsman was flanked by what looked to be three Fox news “analysts.”

  2. Michael Marks


    It sort of makes you wonder about the gene pool that produces politicians. Hmmm, there’s got to be some grant money in this somewhere!

  3. John Danforth

    Never having seen them, I thank you for the visuals you invoked in my mind with each turn of phrase, Ilana. Went great with coffee this morning.

  4. Jim

    The argument that an enriched middle class America, aided by an inept educational system, has successfully ended the practical necessity of adulthood without replacing it with any emotional reason or method of doing so, has been undeniable for some decades now.

  5. james huggins

    I realize that everyone should not necessarily be judged by the acts of their children, but there are times when those actions indicate something to think about. This looks like one of those times.

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