The Republican Party's Campaign Of Co-optation

Conservatism,Free Markets,Media,Neoconservatism,Political Philosophy,Republicans


Check out this new production, “I want Your Money,” touted on Fox News. It opens with Stephen Moore, of the War street Journal, pronouncing the stimulus a hoax. But Moore is a member of America’s failed philosopher kings who has consistently failed to predict anything. This same snake-oil merchant was all for Keynesian tinkering before he turned against it, and then only on purely utilitarain grounds (“it hasn’t worked”).

Moore’s book before last was titled “Bullish on Bush: How the Ownership Society Is Making America Richer.” If that’s not an indictment, nothing is. “Bush’s bailout society” is an instantiation of the principles upon which “Bush’s ownership society” was founded: credit for those who are not creditworthy.

There are some nice Reagan quips in this trailer tease, though. Nice because they are rooted in rights, not in utility (what works for the hordes):

• There’s a word for redistributing the wealth, it’s called theft.
• We could say that they spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors because they are spending their own money (Moore would never talk openly about ownership).

Then Moore the moron pops up with this pearl: “It is fiscal child abuse,” the allusion being to spending for posterity.

Fuck the kids; I’m sick of them. I pay for their miseducation. They’re the reason my aspirin bottle has to be pried open with the jaws of life. Fuck ’em. From what I’ve seen they deserve to be sold into slavery. The state should not enslave me and mine. I don’t need “The kids” to justify my right to live free of subjugation.

The rest of the clip is crammed with Bush bitches and Newtered dogs superimposed upon the earnest Tea Party protest.

Clearly, this message is part of the Republican Party’s campaign of co-optation.

3 thoughts on “The Republican Party's Campaign Of Co-optation

  1. james huggins

    I am told that there are some primitive cultures that periodically leave children on the sides of mountains to be devoured by wild beasts. Stephen Moore would no doubt like to move there.

  2. Roger Chaillet

    I used to be a member of Moore’s Club for Growth.

    I stopped reading his missives when he came out swinging for more immigration.

    He’s another Establishment fraud.

  3. Myron Pauli

    The “smoking gun” of Republican PERFIDY is Republicans they will never propose any real CUTS in government. They will “cut waste” or “eliminate earmarks” (a triviality dwarfed by all the extra “troops” they want to fling over the globe). Alternatively, they propose nonsensical procedural gimmicks like a “Budget Balanced Amendment” (so Sonia Sotomayor gets to impose a sales tax!!??) or “Term Limits” (where Frank Murkowski gets replaced by Lisa Murkowski). Those gimmicks are as worthless as Pelosi’s “Pay As You Go” where you pay for Obamacare by promising to cut some other spending in Year 2019. Even Rand Paul; striving to be “mainstream” to the Kristols, Gersons, and Krauthammers of the world, has been disappointing.

    Undoubtedly there are many sincere Tea Party goers, small businessmen, and others who are disgusted at the current socialistic slide of the country (which Bush helped greatly) but they are caught in the Partisan Media Shell Game:

    The government power brokers and their bipartisan quasi-fascistic “private sector” allies – the “contractors”, banksters, lobbyists, agribusinesses – cling like barnacles to the Titanic as it careens towards the iceberg. Changing from Captain Bush to Captain Obama to Captain Romney is like steering between Scylla and Charybdis:


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