Tucker Carlson Is The Only Immigration Patriot @ Fox News

Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,Islam,Labor,Multiculturalism,Nationhood,Republicans


Tucker Carlson Socratically questions his Republican simpleton guest (6:10 in): “Our current understanding is that foreigners can come here until we can show they pose a danger to us. Shouldn’t our assumption be that nobody has the right to come here until they can show us the benefit of their coming here?”

Tucker went on to observe that “the People whom the congress is supposed to be representing are largely not in favor of resettling Syrian refugees. Only 36% in favor [and likely virtue signalling to the surveyors posing the questions. Survey methodology is notoriously confounded by a bias whereby, from the questions asked, the surveyed sense the “right” reply and oblige the individual questioning them]. People are not for this. Why wouldn’t the congress take this up? They’re supposed to be representing The People.” And, “Do employers have the moral right to low-wage labor?”

Tucker is an immigration patriot because he suggests restricted in-migration based on reasons other than “the security of the American people.” The latter is the sum total of the case made by all at Fox News other than Tucker Carlson.

Moreover, everyone at Fox News currently concurs that we have no problem with legal immigration, only with the illegal variety. It’s now mandatory to pair an objection to the invasion of the American Southwest with an embrace of all forms of legal immigration. The sole emphasis on border security has, in all likelihood, entrenched the status quo—Americans will never assert their right to determine the nature of the country they live in and, by extension, the kind of immigrants they welcome. The security risk newcomers pose is the only permissible topic for conversation. So I wrote in 2006.

Eleven years hence, and Tucker has broken the mold on Fox News.

Give Tucker time, and he’ll question “diversity.”



Deplorables love it. The country’s in favor:

All those Alexander Bells Keep Coming.

Dershowitz would do the job, too; he enjoys a challenge. Thought you hired the best, POTUS: