Who’s Going To Chase MS-13 Killers Like Jeff Sessions Did?

Crime,Donald Trump,Family,Homeland Security,IMMIGRATION,Law,Nationhood


Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions did the job nobody is doing on immigration, and nobody WILL likely do on immigration. Just you wait and see.

What’s past is prologue, said one wise wag.

Immigration is the issue most important to The People, even if The People (followers that they are) don’t know it. Period. Full stop. End of story.

We Deplorables will be getting close to nothing now on immigration, except pep-talks at rallies and some meager fence footage. There will be no bills proposing e-verify, a moratorium on the legal intake of 1 million per annum; no end to catch-and release and the (very extended) family reunification insanity; and no halt to the glut of tech visas—NOTHING.

Sessions was getting the job done. Check out the PBS program on how the “terrible Sessions” was energetically jailing and exiling MS13 teens. He was also separating kids from their unfit parents at the border, as he needed to do by law and for deterrence. Nobody is doing that now.

Via a disapproving PBS:

Last year, Sessions directed officials to pursue all possible charges against MS-13 members, including racketeering, gun and tax law violations. He also designated the gang as a “priority” to a multiagency task force that has historically focused on drug trafficking and money laundering, which he called a “powerful weapon to use against this vicious gang.”

Documentary, The Gang Crackdown,” about the “horrors” Sessions visited on Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13: