Who’s Killing Whom? Speak Up, Bill O’Reilly!



“Who’s Killing Whom? Speak Up, Bill O’Reilly!” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

“Beggars can’t be choosers. Those who’ve never hesitated to tell the truth about the hue of hatred in America are elated. Someone more powerful has stepped up to help do the work so few will do.

In 2010, Bill O’Reilly became the first member of mainstream media to briefly broach a taboo topic: the color of crime in the US. In his July 13th ‘Talking Points’ memo, the famous talker alluded to rates at which blacks commit violent crime proportionate to their numbers in society.

Then as now, Mr. O’Reilly came straight out and said this:

‘African-Americans make up 13 percent of the population, but according to the Justice Department, they comprise 39 percent of violent crime convictions. Thirty-six percent of all murders in America are committed by African-Americans, and 90 percent of black homicide victims are killed by other blacks.’

The Bureau of Justice’s statisticians confirm the long-standing trends to which Mr. O’Reilly alluded. The report, ‘Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008,’ states: ‘Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders,’ and were eight times more likely to murder than whites.

Everyone is, however, tripping over one another to show-off their admiration for Bill O’Reilly. That’s premature.

So elated are the truth-tellers that some have even missed that Bill and the blond brigade of Fox News—in the person of Kirsten Powers and others—are beating on breast about ‘intraracial’ crime-patterns only. Or black-on-black crime. In so doing, these comfort-zone commentators deflect from the white-hot issue of black-on-white violence.

You see, blacks are also more likely to murder whites than the reverse. This likelihood is a trend which O’Reilly and the gang are submerging by emphasizing only the ‘intraracial’ nature of most murders. …”

The complete column is “Who’s Killing Whom? Speak Up, Bill O’Reilly!” Read it on WND.

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