Wrong About Ron

Democrats,Elections,Foreign Policy,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Military,Republicans,Ron Paul


The DC Establishment, left and right—the engorged organism I call the media-military-congressional complex—thinks of Ron Paul as “charming”; his “heresies—his denunciations of ‘militarism,’ even his suggestion that Iran might have understandable reasons for wanting nukes and it might not be so terrible if they got one—[as the] tolerated [and] lovable eccentricities of a cranky but harmless uncle.” Or so writes Hendrik Hertzberg of The New Yorker.

Hertzberg has a point.

But his kind is as detached from mainstream America as the Republicans he lambastes (Let us hope that this will be their undoing.) Ron Paul’s stance against American militarism around the world makes him appealing to voters on the left, the (real) right, and the center. All are well represented among the millions who are jobless and without an income. All would prefer to see “charity” (I use the word in the loosest possible way for the evil the US perpetrates around the world) begin at home, not abroad. Like or dislike him, Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential contender whose foreign policy position can unite left, right and independent Americans.

Provided all factions begin to … THINK.

7 thoughts on “Wrong About Ron

  1. Ness Lum

    Yes, and for that very reason, he is “dangerous” to both left, right, and center – those that would seek to divide our nation for selfish ends. The challenging part, getting him on the ballot!

    [The “nation” is already divided.]

  2. David Smith

    Conservative. When I was still reflexively voting solidly Republican and supporting all our foreign wars, I thought I was a conservative. Although I loved hearing Dr. Paul’s appeals to the Constitution in 2007, as a veteran of two tours in Iraq, convinced we were helping to defend kith and kin, I got tripped up over what I considered his naive opposition to it.

    I was the naive one.

    His campaign [and this columnist, hopefully, which has been making the anti-war case since 2002] forced me to reexamine my conservatism and what I said I believed. Over time, I came to realize I was out of step with the conservatism I said I espoused. The problem is, so many of us don’t THINK, as you indicate, and conflate neo-connery with what has been held to be truly conservative for a long, long time.

  3. Greg

    Well said Ilana. When I talk to “conservative” family and friends about Paul the biggest obstacle I come up against is the issue of the military. These people believe that the USA should be the worlds policeman. It’s difficult to get past the propaganda of the last six decades.

  4. Myron Pauli

    In the Lincoln Douglas debates, each candidate talked for 30 minutes or more to voters with an attention span that exceeded that of a gnat! Current “debates” are multicandidate TV shows with “gotcha” moments, flubs, humorous jibes “there you go again!”, and other moronic jousts – often for the amusement of media blowhards like Hertzberg, Chris Wallace, etc.

    I find the Republican party to have some good ingredients that are mixed up with some odious ones and allowed to mold and rot. Here is an analysis by some “former” Republican named Lofgren (but a supporter of big government) which I find I agree with IN PART – although his specific dissatisfaction does not march mine:


    Of course, Lofgren himself was a member of the Oink Sector who does not explain why he spent 28 years as a “Republican staffer” before he “discovered” the stink.

  5. Redman

    Good comments but, as you stated, it all hinges on THINKING and therein lies the problem. Americans no longer think, they emote! They follow like sheep, they rave after sports, they text and tweet but think, that they do not do. Therefore, the end is in sight.

  6. Roy Bleckert

    @ IM ” Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential contender whose foreign policy position can unite left, right and independent Americans. ”

    Right On !

    I call the control octopus The Media-Military-Politico-Gov. Employee-Global Industrial Complex

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