Monthly Archives: December 2005

The Solution To Sami (Al-Arian)


…libertarian philosophy has plenty to say about the killers of London commuters or Israeli and Iraqi civilians: they’re scum; they’ve blown a hole in the heart of libertarianism.
We should be as tough on people who indirectly abet such actions, although punishing them is predicated on demonstrating a clear, causal connection between their machinations and the resulting carnage.
This difficulty is especially pronounced in the case of former professor, Sami Al-Arian. An indubitably shady character, Al-Arian was recently acquitted of eight of the 17 counts of terrorism against him…

The excerpt is from my new WorldNetDaily column, The Solution To Sami (Al-Arian). Comments are welcome.

Served Straight Up


‘The story of Joseph Farah and the president’s “Happy Holiday” card was first reported by The Washington Post, and is now being carried by newspapers around the world. Bush and his multiculti madam sent out 1.4 million cards, wishing the recipients a happy “holiday season.” (The presidential pets featured on the card. How pathetic.) Here’s The Scotsman:

Joseph Farah, the editor of the conservative website said that Mr Bush ‘claims to be a born-again, evangelical Christian, but sure doesn’t act like one.’ He added: ‘I threw out my White House card as soon as I got it.'”

That’s completely cool. And I hope Mr. Farah didn’t recycle the thing, although I am sure the pinko president had it printed on recycled paper.

‘Israel has tested an anti-ballistic missile, Arrow Weapon System (AWS). According to Jane’s’ Defense Weekly, “It successfully intercepted a target simulating an Iranian Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) in a test over the Mediterranean on 2 December.”
Talk about a quick quip: When asked by the press how far he would go to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb, Israeli army chief Dan Halutz replied without hesitation: “2000 km!”

‘Sean Mercer, aka Dr. Rock, on the difference between electrical engineers (himself) and computer programmers (lesser beings): “They (programmers) manipulate ones and zeros; we (electrical engineers) manipulate the laws of physics.” It sounds even better in that tart English accent.

‘Due Process’ For A Despot

Bush, Iraq, Justice

Now that this burlesque of justice is branded ‘made-in-America,’ it’s a Mark of Cain on all of us

Now that we’ve established a constitutional government in Iraq, the rule of law, and a judiciary capable of Nuremberg and Tokyo-type prosecutions, no less, we can sit back and observe the 6th Amendment applied in Baghdad.
Duly, Saddam Hussein is enjoying a “speedy and public trial”—he was brought to trial a mere two years after capture. The trial is public only in the sense that we know it is underway. Paula Zahn is too busy reporting on her latest colonoscopy to dispatch a legal analyst to publicize the proceedings. (Her staff is probably too scared to go, though.) Zahn’s cable cohort, for different reasons, has confined its coverage to bad-mouthing the righteous former Attorney General, Ramsey Clark. These TV titmice believe being on Saddam’s sparse defense team is the same as “supporting” him.
I believe that under American-style justice the accused also has a right “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation.” Hussein has only recently been formally charged. As the trial commenced, so Hussein’s attorneys—well, those still alive (two defense lawyers have already been killed, another wounded)—had to request time to study the charges against their clients.
As to Hussein’s right to confront the witnesses against him—would that the Iraqis on the so-called stand were merely swaddled in abayas. Those not too frightened to testify (three men and two women, so far) were hidden behind screens, their voices modulated.
Look, prior to Bush’s invasion, I didn’t give a tinker’s toss what Iraqis did to Saddam. He was their baggage. But now that this burlesque of justice is branded ‘made-in-America,’ it’s a Mark of Cain on all of us
Incidentally, we were told until recently that Saddamites are behind the insurgency. But those behind the slaying of Saddam’s attorneys are probably Shiite—it has even been alleged members of the Iraqi “government” are involved. Yes, this is what chaos looks like. Once a rogue state; Iraq is now a failed one, where any faction that imagines its wishes are being frustrated goes out and kills its foes. Freedom is on the march.

Bill (Anderson) On Black (Conrad)—and Derivative Deviltry

Bush, Criminal Injustice, Justice, Law, libertarianism, The Zeitgeist

Hooray for crusader against injustice, economist Bill Anderson, who wrote in agreement with my column, Crucifying Conrad (Black):

“I am in complete agreement about ‘derivative crimes’ such as mail fraud and wire fraud. Candice Jackson and I have written at length about this stuff, so I am glad to see someone else also beating this same drum. An attorney friend of mine once told me that federal prosecutors are the single greatest threat to liberty in this country, and I agree.
That is why I have not been among the cheerleaders of Patrick Fitzgerald and the bogus “Plamegate,” in which the prosecutors early on realized that no law was broken, so they decided to look for other charges. I have strongly criticized other libertarians who have been cheering Fitzpatrick because he is tormenting the Bush Administration. In other words, all libertarian principles go out the window because the political outcomes in ‘Plamegate’ are satisfying.

Must reads are Bill’s “The Courts and the New Deal,” and Washington’s Biggest Crime Problem.