No Attrition

IMMIGRATION,Labor,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Welfare


Although fewer Mexicans are entering the U.S., illegal aliens are not repatriating to Mexico, despite the economic depression, reports the The Washington Independent. The trend appears to support my assertion, in the post on “Socialist America Sinking,” that the trough is still sufficiently full of feed for the incoming oinks.

It’ll take time to break the backs of the relatively few Atlases who carry the $13 trillion American economy. Decades hence, immigration will slow. Until then, the hordes will flock to the freebies.

Granted, it might be argued that fear of law enforcement prevents aliens from crossing the border. But that’s laughable, given the solid, proven record the US holds of not patrolling the border in any meaningful way.

My contention is on its way to being vindicated: Illegals are driven less by the rugged individualism romantic Americans of the liberal and libertarian left attribute to them, and more by the magnet of welfare and other free stuff (like Mephisto’s Medicare). After all, American immigration policy selects for poor character.

4 thoughts on “No Attrition

  1. Van Wijk

    Imagine how many new bona fide healthcare customers Obama would gain with a simple amnesty…

  2. JP Strauss

    Meneer Van Wijk, please don’t encourage him.

    Should I also show up uninvited in Texas if I want to become a US citizen?

  3. Gringo Malo

    I’ve listened to a number of coworkers from England complain about their troubles with the immigration bureaucracy. Telling them that they’d have done better just to swim the Rio Grande usually elicited a small laugh, but it’s probably true.

    Ms. Mercer’s mistaken use of “paroling” for patrolling actually makes a point. [Fixed now] The government patrols the border, but foolishly paroles illegal aliens. That is, the illegals are released with a summons to appear at a hearing before an immigration judge. Few bother. According to an old article that I’m too lazy to look up, some illegals regard the summons as a “permiso,” a permit to remain in the United States.

    While the Obama administration continues to create new piles of fiat money a trillion dollars at a pop, I really can’t work up much concern about illegal alien welfare recipients. (It might be amusing to plot our GDP evaluated in gold, to see whether it’s actually been increasing.) Obama’s cap and trade emissions bill will drive what’s left of our manufacturing overseas, and might just put an end to the reliable electricity we’ve all taken for granted. America will be a typical third world cesspool before the end of Obama’s second term. With any luck, I won’t live to see it in his fourth or fifth term.

  4. Robert Glisson

    Sure JP, come on in. Just tell the lady at the welfare office how you think that bloke in the white house is your idol and you have it made. Oh yes, be sure to drop the proper English for Australian, we’re into Aussies right now. “Good ae mate” will even get you a job, if you want it.

    [I doubt this will help JP. He is of the wrong ethnicity]

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