UPDATED: Obama And Bush: Partners In Government Giganticism

Barack Obama,Bush,Economy,Fascism,Foreign Policy,Government,IMMIGRATION,Justice,Law,Political Economy,Regulation,Republicans,States' Rights


The following is from “Obama And Bush: Partners In Government Giganticism,” now on WND.Com:

“Sean Hannity wants to know how Arlen Specter could go from ‘supporting George Bush, in some years 80-90 percent of the time, to supporting Barack Obama 96 percent of the time, considering the two men’s principles – their core values, their belief system – are in diametrical opposition.’

They are? How so? …

Bush pursued wars that have contributed to the bankrupting of this country and the death of thousands of innocents. Obama has sustained the same momentum in those far-flung occupied lands. The gabbers on television who coo and kvetch nostalgic about Bush’s virtues should console themselves thus: Yes, The Decider was the originator; Obama nothing but a second-hander. But give Barack a break. The 44th president may not be as blessed with killer core values as the 43rd. But he’s doing his best. Has he not expanded the one theatre (Afghanistan) to compensate for drawing down in the other (Iraq)? …

Moocher Obama has pulled ahead of Looter Bush with respect to deficits and debt. The Bush budget for 2009 was a trivial $3 trillion, while Obama’s 2010 budget was a respectable $3.5 trillion. According to “Bankrupting America,” “Bush doubled the debt to almost $6 trillion and Obama’s plans would leave us with an IOU of an additional $8.5 trillion by 2020.”

C’mon. Six trillion; 8 trillion: the act of racking up such financial liabilities exists on a continuum of criminality ? it does not constitute a difference in kind (or in “core values”).” …

Barack’s tidal wave of regulation is hard to beat … But a second-best to BHO The Regulator is not to be sneezed at. The Decider is still in the running for America’s Best Enforcer (a very bad thing indeed). …”

The complete column is “Obama And Bush: Partners In Government Giganticism.

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UPDATE (Aug. 6): DICK’S DOCTOR. I mentioned Dick Cheney in the column:

“Barack’s tidal wave of regulation is hard to beat – in particular the financial-reform bill, which goes beyond Dick Cheney’s wildest dreams in increasing the overweening powers of the executive branch. (Barack will be able to seize a firm he designates as systemically risky.)”

Even Dick’s doctor is a mini-dictator. My ears perked up. I heard someone talk about federal law preempting state law. No, this was not a discussion of Arizona’s SB 1070. There was more muttering about compelling drug stores, at the pains of punishment (for that is what a new law means) to carry defibrillators. I was, in fact, listening to a snippet from an interview cardiac surgeon to Mr. Cheney was giving to Liz, daughter to the dictator. In case Dick dropped while shopping in their aisles, the good doctor wanted the feds to compel certain outlets (not sure which) to carry the life-saving defibrillator.

Liz nodded.

11 thoughts on “UPDATED: Obama And Bush: Partners In Government Giganticism

  1. james huggins

    Every time I read one of Ilana’s Bush-Obama comparisons I want to get under my desk in a fetal position, suck my thumb and wait for the end to come. If she were wrong I could dismiss her as just another hysterical nut. But she’s not wrong. She’s spot on right. The most disturbing thing is I see no leadership for this country on the horizon.

  2. George Pal

    GWB, the summer soldier/sunshine patriot, loved his country but not its citizens; his unrequited love for people he reserved for the House of Saud, Mexicans and ‘peaceful’ religionists.

    BHO, racially conflicted first citizen of the world, hates his adopted residency but loves the people who most love him: the brothers and sisters, Mexicans, and ‘peaceful’ religionists.

    The crimes are the same, the MOs the same, they profile the same – only the motives differ.

  3. JJ Suprise

    AMEN honey!
    A great analysis of the hypocrisy and treachery of King George and King Soetoro or Obama, or whatever his name is.

    God help us all!
    JJ Suprise
    Sandy, Utah

  4. JeffinCO

    Yes, one political party puts their faith in government. The other political party puts their faith in (economic) growth, even if they have to enlist the power of government to get it. Our Founding Fathers put their faith in God and in the industry and ingenuity of themselves and their fellow Americans. By rediscovering the faith of our fathers, we can solve our problem rather than treat the symptoms.

  5. OleDoc73

    Hear, hear!!! Finally, a journalist brave enough to articulate the sentiments of the common people! Outstanding!

  6. Barbara Grant

    It was a great article and you correctly draw the parallels between Genghis B. and B. Hussein. Very well-written; I hope you submit it to Mr. Hannity’s people.

  7. Roger Chaillet

    James Huggins is wrong.

    Chuck Baldwin is one leader.

    Another is Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

    And Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

    Gee, now what do they all have in common?

  8. Myron Pauli

    NEWSFLASH – Scientists at the record-setting LARGE HADRON COLLIDER in Geneva Switzerland claim to have discovered a previously hypothesized “fundamental difference” between Bush and Obama Welfare-Warfare Leviathanism. “So far, the effect is only 2 standard deviations”, explained one the scientists because it is so miniscule but they are hoping to confirm it with additional observations. Such a fundamental new symmetry breaking could have far reaching consequences proclaim commentators at MSNBC and Fox. Other libertarian theorists proclaim that the “Standard Model” of statism will be upheld and while the particle will prove to be fictitious, the data may indicate that the projected “Big Crunch” (or hyperinflationary collapse) may occur earlier than previously expected.

  9. Robert Glisson

    “So far, the effect is only 2 standard deviations” That effect is because Bush stayed on his ranch on vacation. Barracks spouse goes to Spain, let’s see, entourage of something like seventy people at 2,500 a head and the Secret Service, big ol jet(s) Spain may get a bailout.

  10. Brett Gerasim

    Rev. Baldwin has put together a list of further grievances against the GOP in his latest column. Shamefully, I had forgotten the 1994 Crime Bill.

  11. james huggins

    Roger, you’ve got half a point. Nobody on your list is making any noise like a party leader. If the Republicans stay true to form they’ll leave good candidates behind and pick the only attack mouse that’s acceptable to The New York Times.

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