Everything You Need to Know About Perry But Were Afraid to Ask

Elections,Foreign Policy,Iraq,John McCain,War


As you know, Iraq is imploding, as it has been since the US took out the glue that held it together by hook or by crook: Saddam Hussein.

Seventy five percent of Americans have, belatedly and at long last, realized that we have to leave that godforsaken place. Presidential candidate Rick Perry obviously counts himself in the minority when he promised to “send troops back into Iraq. …”

PERRY: I — I think we start talking with the Iraqi individuals there. The idea that we allow the Iranians to come back into Iraq and take over that country, with all of the treasure, both in blood and money, that we have spent in Iraq, because this president wants to kowtow to his liberal, leftist base and move out those men and women. He could have renegotiated that timeframe.
I think it is a huge error for us. We’re going to see Iran, in my opinion, move back in at literally the speed of light. They’re going to move back in, and all of the work that we’ve done, every young man that has lost his life in that country will have been for nothing because we’ve got a president that does not understand what’s going on in that region.

As informed is John McCain, who has called for the deployment of a “residual force” to Iraq.

How about Meghaan McCain? She qualifies as a “residual” spent force.

10 thoughts on “Everything You Need to Know About Perry But Were Afraid to Ask

  1. derek

    I think you can draw conclusions from the final question of the debate when the candidates were asked what they would be doing on a Saturday night if they weren’t running for president.

    Perry stated he’d be at the shoot’n range. Gingrich said he’d be watching the college basketball championship when someone corrected him that it was football season. However, no one challenged him on the fact that there was no college football game on that particular evening. Which means he just blurted out what he thought Joe Sixpack wanted to hear.

    Only Ron Paul said something unpretentious and somewhat believable when he stated he’d be home with his family and probably reading an economics textbook.

    [Shooting is okay by me, so long as he doesn’t prohibit his subject in Texas from doing the same. Paul should have recommended Economics in One Lesson. He would have done our cause a great deal of good by sending this book to # One on Amazon.–IM]

  2. Nick

    Just to clarify things here: I did not buy this excuse back in August one and three respectively, nor did I believe that it justified an expensive and bloody overseas war. I just wanted to point out that the liars of the Bush/Obama war machine can’t even make their own cover story hold.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    There once was a place called Vietnam run by our French “allies” who left so we propped up Diem. But Diem was somewhat nasty so our micromanagers at the State Department and CIA decided to kill him. And then “South Vietnam” our “invention” started collapsing – so LBJ, trying not to look weak, used some hooey incident in the Gulf of Tonkin as a blank check to send in 500,000 Americans to provide “democracy”. And they held elections which were run by 2 crooked generals named Thieu and Ky in 1967. And the Americans got tired of the War so Nixon took out the troops while bombing the commies into signing a treaty to make it look like “peace”. In the interim, we overthrew the Cambodian government. By 1980, our “mission accomplished” included 4 million dead, land mines, cripples, post-traumatic stress.

    Pentagon learned (from Vietnam) to “control the media” while Iraq (formerly Iran’s previous enemy) winds up with hundreds of thousands dead, wounded, PTSDs, 4 million homeless Iraqis, and Iranian de-facto control. But then, Iraq did get to “conduct elections” – Mission Accomplished.

    Iranians at the speed of light – I suggest that Rick Perry publish these results in Physical Review Letters!

  4. Steve Hogan

    Do we really need any more proof that Rick Perry is a mental midget? He’s not content with us shooting ourselves in the foot over Iraq. He wants to reload and blow off the other foot for good measure.

    Someone this dumb should not be given presidential power.

  5. Robert Glisson

    Interesting that the title would be- Everything you need- instead of “Want to know” Which is -nothing, none, nada, niet or nien, or even ‘who cares.’ I once thought that if secession should rear its head, Texas and Oklahoma might make a go of it. Then, I started watching Texans, outside of a few like Ron Paul, I’m beginning to think, maybe we need to go it alone.

  6. Rebel Without a Clause

    48 hours after Isramerica hits Iran, the Green Zone in Baghdad (c. 20,000 US troops/contractors)will be under seige by Shi’ite militias. Then we will, finally, be leaving Iraq. I hope our guys can keep the road to the airport open. I really do. Otherwise, they will – some of them – come out clinging to the skids of helicopters. Years ago, I heard one of Soros’ hirelings – Stephanie Miller on Air America Radio – point out the sheer lunacy of replacing Sadaam with a Shia regime because it created a Shi’ite Crescent running from Tehran thru Baghdad and Damascus and on to Hezbollah in south Lebanon. Now it’s all coming home to roost. As a run-in to WW III, excuse me, the Iran War, the uprising in Syria is a last-ditch effort to cut off Hezbollah by replacing Assad with a Moslem Brotherhood (Sunni) regime. But, with a Russian carrier battle group hanging off the coast, Isramwerica (“Nato”) can’t do it up like Libya. Epic Fail.

  7. Doug McKnight

    How did the term “treasure” become redefined to mean resources that are exhausted in a war? I thought it was what pirates buried. While were at it, how did “troops” come to mean soldiers?

    [Your last point is a pet peeve of mine. A troop means a band of soldiers.–IM]

  8. derek

    FYI, troop is the technical designation in the US Army for a company-sized formation of cavalry and cavalrymen are known as troopers. Yes, the US Army still has cavalry formations, albeit, without horses

    However, other soldiers, especially airborne, are informally referred to as troopers too. Most soldiers will use the term troop interchangeably with soldier.

    The big exception to this is the USMC who disdain the terms troop or soldier, and only refer to themselves as marines.

  9. Eric

    I’d like to know which neocon came up with this “blood and treasure” line. I’ve noticed that it has been used by a few of the candidates recently.

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