‘Taqiyya’ to the Sounds of ‘Tequila’

Ancient History,Islam,Media


The Greek philosophers believed that to be mired in self-contradiction was to be “less than human, less than coherent, less than sane.”

How would they have characterized the rampaging Muslim mobs, who’ve been acting as terrorists to protest that their prophet Muhammad was depicted as a terrorist.

If that isn’t the ultimate performative contradiction, I don’t know what is. To embody a contradiction is indeed a lowly state of being.

Here is the story of the deception to the sounds of a familiar ditty. It all began with a scheming Imam and ended in the riots that rive the Muslim world as I write. It errs in blaming the one for the sins of the many, but is otherwise quite neat.
A doff of the hat to David Conway of CIVITAS for sending the thing along.

Update: It turns out that raging Muslims are more coherent than I gave them credit for; their deeds are in keeping with Muhammad, peace be upon him (it’s now mandatory to offer praise each time the prophet is mentioned). But let historian Srdja Trifkovic do the explaining.
Muslims the world over have demanded that “respect for Muhammad [be] restored.” “We want him to be described as the man he really was in history,” a Danish leader enjoined. So “in the spirit of multicultural tolerance and interfaith dialogue,” Trifkovic has obliged. Read his crash course on Muhammad’s monumental life’s work.