A Bright Spot: Obama Oratory Infuriates Neocons

Barack Obama,Economy,Foreign Policy,Iraq,Military,Neoconservatism,War


Even though President Obama obviously listened to William Kristol’s advice given a day in advance of BHO’s his speech on Iraq, the Fox News neoconservative coterie was unhappy with the role carved out by the president for America abroad.

Chuckie Krauthammer lamented Obama’s lack of ‘vision’ when it comes to America’s role in world. These insular chauvinists don’t get it, do they? America is a crippled, credit-wracked waning economy—and empire. Largely due to their Jacobin expeditions.

Nevertheless, Krauthammer and his colleague on the Fox New All-Star panel, took the president’s reference to the minor, irrelevant “economic stuff” as a sign that “that his heart is not in these missions abroad, but is in changing America at home.”

If only the first accusation were true.

At least 4500 Special Ops soldiers are still doing battle in Iraq, and will be doing so for the foreseeable future.


3 thoughts on “A Bright Spot: Obama Oratory Infuriates Neocons

  1. Van Wijk

    t least 4500 Special Ops soldiers are still doing battle in Iraq, and will be doing so for the foreseeable future.

    And the 50,000 that remain as “advisers” are already dying.

    My feeling is that Iraq is about to see some of the bloodiest fighting in its history, and U.S. troops will be right in the middle. My fear is that this inevitable bloodbath will be used to justify some kind of re-invasion.


    I wonder what Krauthammer would have to say about George Washington’s Farewell Address (e.g. tending to problems at home and ignoring our [French] ally).

    How can a poor nation like Switzerland survive without an international “vision”??

  3. Derek

    According to the Army Times, the troops left behind are still combat troops, their units have just been designated as ‘Advise and Assist Brigades’ instead of normal combat brigades. In other words many of them have a combat arms MOS, and so assuming they still have weapons, would be able to return to combat status quickly.

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