A Heart-Warming Thought about Global Warming Wombats

Environmentalism & Animal Rights,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Pseudoscience,Reason,Socialism


Men and women of reason are beggars. And Beggars can’t be choosy. We must take our pleasures where we can find them.

I know the chicken littles of global warming are mutant Marxists in disguise, but there’s a small consolation to be had in all the fretting these execrable idiots do:

They are worried sick about the planet. Ordinary lefties worry to the tune of a serious rise in diastolic and systolic blood pressure units. Their revolting little brats—the ones who star in commercials for universal health care on TV—don’t sleep at night because of global warming (in the 1970s it was cooling).

The Worry Factor may just increase the rate at which this particular invasive species falls off the earth.

That’s my uplifting thought for the day.