Another Mao Man (Yawn)

Barack Obama,Communism,Democrats,Intelligence,Propaganda,Socialism


The energizer bunny that is Glenn Beck is relentless in tracking down Barack’s Bolsheviks. On the heels of the Dunn debacle comes this, also courtesy of Beck:

“Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom is the latest in a long line of White House officials who seem to just love Chairman Mao. Mao, of course, is the loving former Chinese dictator who killed 70 million people during peacetime, so what’s not to love? Bloom also mocked capitalism, ‘We know that the free market is nonsense.’ This is of course the sentiment you want from the guy trying to create jobs in the manufacturing sector. Glenn plays the audio and reacts to the latest idiotic quote, this time from Ron Bloom.”


Much to my surprise, I’ve heard it repeated on this blog of seasoned, cynical, politics watchers that the administration must have failed to vet this or the other communist functionary. The mind boggles at such a comment—especially on this forum. I’ve literally cut and pasted from a blog post I penned when that feeble excuse-making began gaining traction–back when I made “a prophetic prediction (NOT)”:

“There are many Van Jones’ in the Obama administration. You’ll meet them in the fullness of time. Quit feigning surprise when they crawl out from their dank corners.”


“Spare me a repeat performance of the Jeremiah Wright farce, only with Van Jones, the Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, substituting for the Obamas’ preacher; and surfacing in YouTube clips while delivering Wright-like jeremiads lambasting white men and Western civilization, as every liberal lunatic and wimpish WASP pretends Obamby hardly knew the jejune Jones.

Can we skip this? Can this country’s anointed cognoscenti at least pretend to be familiar with the concept of a learning curve?”

Sean keeps telling me to repeat the same themes in columns becasue nobody retains anything these day. Peter Brimelow once imparted the same lesson. I accept this truism—but not when it comes to regular readers of this space (with accesses to archives).

5 thoughts on “Another Mao Man (Yawn)

  1. M. B. Moon

    Yeah another Commie. Yawn.

    My question:

    What if we really had free market capitalism instead of this hideous mixture of government backed fractional reserve banking, intense government regulation, the welfare/warfare state etc., with a few entrepreneurs carrying it on their shoulders? Could Commies thrive in such an environment? A mixed economy is unstable as the Austrians have pointed out. We will fix the system and move to liberty or the less sophisticated will impose their solutions.

    How did we get this way? Does genuine progress create rot? Is progress and decline a natural inescapable cycle for a society? Some say yes but considering that things really started to decline after 1913 this is what I say:

    “Cursed be the Federal Reserve System; may its name rot for all time.”

  2. Steve Hogan

    As long as we’re assigning blame (there is certainly plenty to go around), let’s hear it for the horrid and intellectually bankrupt government school system. Without these indoctrination centers dotting the landscape, children would not be force-fed a steady diet of socialist doctrine dressed up as “education.”

    In a country with a complete separation of education and state, we would have a far more educated and independent-thinking people. We would not have a Fed, for instance, because an informed person would recognize that this institution is based on fraud, and is counterfeiting for the sake of a few at the expense of the many.

    More importantly, a thoughtful public would not be duped by the two party monster that is running our country into the ground. Con artists, used car salesmen, and warmongers would find it more difficult to lie with impunity once in office. Heck, we might even demand real accountability from our representatives! A novel concept, that.

    Unfortunately, it is too late for reform. There’s no way the ignorant masses are going to suddenly rise up and throw off their chains. They like the handouts too much, and they don’t ask or understand that someone has to pick up the check.

    The only hope is for the whole financial house of cards to come tumbling down. When the money is worthless and the coffers are empty, the school system will collapse. Maybe then we can restore our liberties.

  3. Bob Harrison

    “[The President] … shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls…”
    There’s nothing wrong with repetition if something bears repeating, and one can’t draw too much attention to unconfirmed Leftist ideologues. It is becoming all to clear why Obama decided to circumvent the Senate with his “czars.”

  4. Anonymous

    I agree with Bob Harrison’s point that the left wing idealogues in the Obama administration should be exposed. I believe you took a few lines from Hair when talking about the wars- “Let the sunshine in” The same can be said about the Obama administration. Outraged? Yes. Surprised? Not anymore.

  5. Myron Pauli

    The trouble with Ron Bloom’s one minute Youtube is that, sadly, he is mostly CORRECT about the current “(non)-free market”. This is better explained by John Stossel’s attack on Michael Moore’s anti-“capitalist” movie:…/JohnStossel/…/whats_michael_moore_talking_about
    Stossel: “Moore declares capitalism evil, but he’s never clear about what “capitalism” means. Considering how much time he spends documenting the cozy relationship between business and government, I thought he might mean “state capitalism.” But then he uses the term “free market” as a synonym for what he doesn’t like. What does the free market have to do with businesses manipulating government and strong-arming Congress for bailouts? Moore properly condemns both….. At least Moore has an inkling of what’s wrong: cozy ties between Wall Street and government.”
    Or as Orwell concluded Animal Farm: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to PIG, and from PIG to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
    In Oinkville DC, it is ILLEGAL ALIENS who are most likely employed by the remnants of the free market – as waiters, gutter cleaners, painters, etc.! However, the academicians, doctors, lawyers, bankers, scientists, are de-facto cogs of statism. Quite tragic.

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