Beck Breaks From The Pack

Constitution,Foreign Policy,Founding Fathers,Free Markets,Glenn Beck,War,Welfare


The excerpt is from my new, weekly WND.COM column, “Beck Breaks From The Pack”:

“Not a week goes by when Fox-New phenom Glenn Beck doesn’t make libertarian pedants and purists bristle. Examples? The mushy slogan ‘Faith, Hope, Charity’ on which, Beck insists, the old republic was founded. I’m with Beck’s favored founder Ben Franklin who said that “he who lives upon hope will die fasting.”

Then there is charity: Americans hardly need a nudge in that direction as they are already abundantly charitable. Our countrymen are also constant in their faith ? to a fault perhaps, as too much faith in mystical forces beyond one’s control may compound feelings of helplessness.

Conversely, Beck could be more reverential in his approach to the free market to which the Talker often refers in rather pedestrian, almost statist terms. ‘It is the system that we have; it’s a system that works’ are refrains Beck is fond of repeating.

If instead of waxing fat about “Faith, Hope, and Charity” Beck built on life, liberty, and property,” his viewers would come to understand that the voluntary free market is a sacred extension of life itself. …

In the context of the man’s incalculable contribution to liberty, these are, all-in-all, minor quibbles—all the more so given that Glenn Beck has now taken his most significant step in defense of freedom and constitutional order. Beck has seen the writing on the tottering walls of Empire, and has dedicated himself to that humble foreign policy espoused by the founders. …”

The complete column is “Beck Breaks From The Pack.”

Read my libertarian manifesto, Broad Sides: One Woman’s Clash With A Corrupt Society.

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5 thoughts on “Beck Breaks From The Pack

  1. Myron "Extremist" Pauli

    Looks like Glenn “Abdul” Beck is joining the “enemies of America”, those “anti-government extremists” (see Southern Poverty Law Center) who oppose our troops in Burma and Zimbabwe spreading democracy from Reaper drones dropping 500 lb bombs on illiterates. {By the way, when the “natives” get upset and fight back, that is NOT because they don’t like being liberated by Americans but because they are upset at Zionists occupying the remote outpost called “Jerusalem”}. Yep, it is you, Glenn, Ron Paul, “Ishmael” Jefferson, “Mehmet” Washington, Jusseef Quincy Adams, Grover “Al Queda” Cleveland, and others who oppose the holy Wilson-Bush-Obama Democracy-or-Bust Global Crusade.

    It is bad enough that Glenn believes in anti-government EXTREMIST ideas like the 2nd and 10th Amendment and might leave some children behind and not pay everyone’s medical bills since “health care” is a government-guaranteed “right” (as opposed to the right to keep ones money). But now he is going into the Code Pink Libertarian Anti-War Zone. God help us!

    Nevertheless, Beck, like Napolitano and Stossel, will be under heavy pressure at the Republican (e.g. Fox) News Network for going against the Party Line. Will they be allowed at the CPAC? Will Sarah keep winking? Drama to be continued.

  2. Stephen Bernier

    Bravo Myron! Ilana, you are the best and the bloggers for the most part are intelligent and well reasoned.

    Now if Glenn Beck could lay down the rest of his “statist” views, he will be on the right track.

  3. EngiNERD

    Yes Beck breaks with the Pack ! and that’s what is good about him. He is one to criticize those within the Republican party (right – wing) conservatives, whatever.

    Too too many (left wingnuts) are pushing him was some sort of crazy.. right wing wacko. yet all that does it increase his visiblity, his ratings.

    If he stays true to his principles and expose corruption, deception from either side of the political spectrum that is alright with me.

    OOH by the way, side note. I see that Beck in on the SPLC “Hit -List”

  4. Robert Glisson

    I like watching Mr. Stossel, he discusses libertarian concepts, ‘like my neighbors business is none of mine’; along with his anti-government rants and he recognizes that others have valid points too; lets his guests have their say with little interruption.
    My impression of Mr. Beck is that he is a libertarian of convenience. He is for or against this or that because that’s how he feels this morning. If he will give support to the anti-war movement and help stop the nonsense, I’m all for it but, I’m not buying the libertarian horse yet.

  5. John Danforth

    It’s good to see Beck learning. Still, I don’t trust him. He is an intellectual lightweight whose philosophy is built upon shaky metaphysics. His base premises, the axioms on which the rest of his knowledge rests, are like quicksand. The more he expounds on them, the less meaningful the rest of his sermon is. Still, he brings up subjects I though I’d never see on TV. Enjoy it until his masters decide he is too dangerous.

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