Bite Me, Bitches!



You gotta love Sarah Palin for her staying power in the face of the foul attacks she’s endured for annotating the palm of her hand in a rather endearing way, during the Q & A at the first Tea Party Convention. Something her favorite child would do (that would be the poppet Piper, if you’ve read Going Rogue).

Here’s the little Botticelli embraced by the same slender hand (my, the Palin kids are beautiful. Ditto the Palin spouse).

So today (or was it the day before), during her campaign stop with Governor Rick Perry of Texas, Palin had a laugh at the expense of all those loathsome liberals. The message inked into her palm this time was, “Hi Mom!”

4 thoughts on “Bite Me, Bitches!

  1. sunny black

    How does a benign event — a person scribbling notes onto her hand — metastasize into such a scandal? In no way is it equivalent to the swivel of Obama’s head from TOTUS 1 to TOTUS 2.

    ‘Energy, tax cuts, lift American Spirits’. It’s not even bad optics as far as I’m concerned. I’m no Palin supporter except to the extent that she gets under the skin of so many Upper West Side liberals. But every time David Shyster, Chrissy Matthews, and Olbermmadow light her up for trivial matters (when they won’t even look at the digital White House image on the MSNBC screens behind them), I have a smidgen of sympathy for the lady. And every time Colbert and SNL use their platform to degrade her in increasingly cheap ways, I feel another grimace knowing that the same joke should only be recycled so many times. And then when I see Robert Gibss give a private citizen’s palm Presidential attention, I wonder what kind of an operation we have going on here. Is Sarah Palin giving Obama, Axelrod, and Rahm The Ballerina nightmares? Is she visiting them in their sleep, teasing them, torturing them, and provoking bouts of enuresis?

  2. George Pal

    Yet another thing to admire about Palin, her personification of The Three Graces. It is no mean feat to command charm, grace, and beauty as a defense against offensive/bitchy/catty.

    I’ll not stop rooting for her.

  3. james huggins

    The negative molehills her enemies try to pump up into mountain hoods only show how weak are their arguments and how much she gets under their skin. It’s been said that the left will tell you what they fear. It’s obvious they fear Sarah. Reminds me of that old song from down in the country: “What’s On Top of the Chicken Coop.”

  4. Robert Glisson

    Time magazine which has really gone as far left you can go lately has come out with the concept that Sarah Palin is the Left’s equivalent of the ‘Antichrist’ She is so diabolical that no matter how dumb she is, she is going to end up owning the United States. “” I think the writer whose name I missed has nightmares.

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