Category Archives: Barely A Blog

Updated: The Loathsome Liberal 'Shshaun' Is Back

Barely A Blog,, Internet, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Private Property

The loathsome ‘Shshaun’ is back

I thought I recognized his style, but I assured myself that no one could be as brazen as to sneak back onto this space after being told never to come back pursuant to performances such as this one on, (look for posts by ‘Shshaun’; he fouled up the discussion board), and this, an example of his early “efforts.”

Yes, it seems that the loathsome Canadian ‘Shshaun’ has snuck back onto this forum, after being ousted. This worm now goes by the name “Gumdrops.” His IP numbers can be traced from here:

Bell Canada BELLCANADA-16 (NET-76-64-0-0-1) –
Sympatico HSE HSE20070629-CA (NET-76-67-12-0-1) –

I thought I recognized the grating style. (Likening his own “thinking” to that of Socrates in an erased post was the real give-away.)

The next step is a stalking complaint and a letter to

Please, y’all, re-read the posting policy, and always provide a real e-mail address when posting to this blog.

Update (May 26): Liberals believe that they can trespass and trash private property—corporeal or other—and still demand that their identities remain private. That’s rich—and that’s a reality in the universe loathsome ‘Shshaun’ shares with the likes of Rev. Wright, Obama, and his lowly Mama.

Not on this mama’s property.

Here’s an excerpt from our Posting Policy: “No information or content of any kind that you submit or make available to ILANA MERCER, or post to, shall be deemed confidential.”

Of course, most posters to BAB are honorable. Therefore their host honors their privacy.

Updated: The Loathsome Liberal ‘Shshaun’ Is Back

Barely A Blog,, Internet, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Private Property

The loathsome ‘Shshaun’ is back

I thought I recognized his style, but I assured myself that no one could be as brazen as to sneak back onto this space after being told never to come back pursuant to performances such as this one on, (look for posts by ‘Shshaun’; he fouled up the discussion board), and this, an example of his early “efforts.”

Yes, it seems that the loathsome Canadian ‘Shshaun’ has snuck back onto this forum, after being ousted. This worm now goes by the name “Gumdrops.” His IP numbers can be traced from here:

Bell Canada BELLCANADA-16 (NET-76-64-0-0-1) –
Sympatico HSE HSE20070629-CA (NET-76-67-12-0-1) –

I thought I recognized the grating style. (Likening his own “thinking” to that of Socrates in an erased post was the real give-away.)

The next step is a stalking complaint and a letter to

Please, y’all, re-read the posting policy, and always provide a real e-mail address when posting to this blog.

Update (May 26): Liberals believe that they can trespass and trash private property—corporeal or other—and still demand that their identities remain private. That’s rich—and that’s a reality in the universe loathsome ‘Shshaun’ shares with the likes of Rev. Wright, Obama, and his lowly Mama.

Not on this mama’s property.

Here’s an excerpt from our Posting Policy: “No information or content of any kind that you submit or make available to ILANA MERCER, or post to, shall be deemed confidential.”

Of course, most posters to BAB are honorable. Therefore their host honors their privacy.

Updated: On Bloggerel

Barely A Blog,, Internet, Pop-Culture, The Zeitgeist

I resisted blogging with all my might. In August 2002, I wrote this in “The Importance of Boundaries”:

“Virginia Postrel appears to confer the web-diary with a mystic, cosmic rhythm, calling it ‘one of the most interesting new spontaneous orders in the world of the Web.’ … The fact that millions of people are moved to mouth daily on the web is no more significant than the fact that billions of humans have a bowel movement every day.”

“Chances are that if you are blogging, a part of you believes that your impromptu daily thoughts ought to be public. Chances are you are not terribly concerned that, of the cyberspace ejaculate you emit, stuff will come back to haunt you like a nasty paternity suit.”

Unfortunately, I was in no position to let this expression of spontaneous disorder pass me by. Ann Coulter is in that position; I’m not. Probably never will be. So here I am. (Still, this blogger “speaks” only “when she has something to say,” to comport with my daughter’s description of her mom years back. Which is why this is Barely a Blog.)

Thomas Fleming has had a similar experience. Here are his impressions of the blogosphere and its intellectually disemboweling effects:

“… answering the blog-responders is like arguing with a retarded child who thinks breaking wind is a witty response.”

“I described the blogger mentality as a form of Narcissism, but even that is a compliment. Narcissus was so handsome that he fell in love with his own reflection. The proper parallel would be the writers and political intellectuals who are so brilliant and clever that they have fallen in love with their own voices, but bloggers are like a hideously ugly person who looks in the mirror and says: ‘The rat’s looking good.’ [Note, I have to check the quotation from the recent film of Charlotte’s Web, which I watched on a flight to Rome.]”

“… if we took the trouble to start a conversation, the blogospheroids would jump in, agreeing or disagreeing–it hardly matters–with opinions by the truckload. This might not be so bad, if the truck were not a garbage truck.”

The post is “Silly Chickens and Rotten Eggs.” As with all Dr. Fleming’s writing, it’s well-worth the read.

Update (March 22): This is not to say that there aren’t good blogs; I’d hope BAB is one. Rather, the objection here is to the meta-process the web diary stands for–the loose, let-it-all-hang out, diarrheic process of diarizing in public, as I said in the essay, has broken down boundaries between the private and public:

“The upshot of populism in punditry, at least, is that bad commentary is promiscuously outed. Few and far between are the commentators and conversationalists who have honed their craft.”

Avoid FrontPages Web Hosting Network

Barely A Blog,, Technology

Those who frequent Barely a Blog know by now that we’ve been down for close on two weeks.

Our host, the FrontPages Web Hosting Network, crashed the server, bungled the backup (or didn’t backup), and corrupted the “backup” data. All this, during a sloppy upgrade/transfer. Forensic recovery service was apparently initiated, but we saw no evidence of a positive outcome.

Follow-up service, moreover, was non-existent. I cannot speak for the hundreds of clients affected, but I was not informed of the bungle, or of the steps being taken to put things right. Hell, as far as I’m concerned nothing was done to correct matters. We were left hanging.

FrontPages Web Hosting is a Third World operation by any other name. is on the Microsoft FrontPage System, a clunker of a system, but extremely reliable—the site is automatically backed up on one’s PC. (Now that I’m in the process of having a new website designed, I also realize the FrontPage System offers the best editing tools.) We could easily have uploaded right away on one of their functioning servers, but we decided that this would give the incompetents a way to wiggle out of forensically resurrecting the blog. So we waited until it became untenable. After contacting what goes for technical support at FrontPages Web Hosting repeatedly, it transpired that they were unable to locate the blog data base. Lost it; couldn’t find it, whatever.

Naturally, I had been backing my blog up diligently. As you know, BAB is a companion to my main site. On it I offer original daily commentary; not mere links to other reports and commentary. FrontPages Web Hosting appears to have made changes to the backup procedure, so that my backup had been incomplete for close on a year. The consequence of this is that a large portion of the blog has now to be restored manually. Your comments for the last year were lost.

If you are Fujifilm, Honda, and Intel—big customers with dedicated servers—you’re, no doubt, treated well by FrontPages Web Hosting. My business they handled with contempt. I would go so far as to say that this company operates in bad faith (not toward Boeing and the Library of Congress, I’m sure). What else would you call an Internet host that fails to back up its (smaller) clients’ data properly, or does so carelessly? Reliability, after all, has to be the most important feature in a hosting company. Suffice it to say that this isn’t the case with FrontPages Web Hosting. In fact, their advertising here is nothing but a farce. “Expertise, security, highest ranking in reliability”—are you kidding me?