Updated: The Loathsome Liberal 'Shshaun' Is Back

Barely A Blog,IlanaMercer.com,Internet,Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim,Private Property


The loathsome ‘Shshaun’ is back

I thought I recognized his style, but I assured myself that no one could be as brazen as to sneak back onto this space after being told never to come back pursuant to performances such as this one on Jewcy.com, (look for posts by ‘Shshaun’; he fouled up the discussion board), and this, an example of his early “efforts.”

Yes, it seems that the loathsome Canadian ‘Shshaun’ has snuck back onto this forum, after being ousted. This worm now goes by the name “Gumdrops.” His IP numbers can be traced from here:

Bell Canada BELLCANADA-16 (NET-76-64-0-0-1) –
Sympatico HSE HSE20070629-CA (NET-76-67-12-0-1) –

I thought I recognized the grating style. (Likening his own “thinking” to that of Socrates in an erased post was the real give-away.)

The next step is a stalking complaint and a letter to abuse@sympatico.ca.

Please, y’all, re-read the posting policy, and always provide a real e-mail address when posting to this blog.

Update (May 26): Liberals believe that they can trespass and trash private property—corporeal or other—and still demand that their identities remain private. That’s rich—and that’s a reality in the universe loathsome ‘Shshaun’ shares with the likes of Rev. Wright, Obama, and his lowly Mama.

Not on this mama’s property.

Here’s an excerpt from our Posting Policy: “No information or content of any kind that you submit or make available to ILANA MERCER, or post to BarelyABlog.com, shall be deemed confidential.”

Of course, most posters to BAB are honorable. Therefore their host honors their privacy.