Category Archives: Criminal Injustice

UPDATED (3/21/019): Dethroning John McCain: One Of President Trump’s Great Achievements


President Trump: “I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be.”

One of the great things about Donald Trump is that he dethroned John McCain, who was certainly a mediocre man and not a very good man at that.

(See: “John McCain: Deeply Flawed, Unstable Man Of Limited Intelligence And Low Character.”)

What’s more, Trump’s sensibility is correct. There are plenty of principled reasons for which to dislike John McCain, other than his career warmongering.

Americans owe a debt of gratitude to a great and principled war reporter (also a war veteran) by the name of Sydney Schanberg.

Honor the late Mr. Schanberg, not John McCain, by reading his courageous, sadly futile, attempts at exposing the senator for his “POW cover-up.”

Yes, McCain was, it woudl appear, “the “war hero” and presidential candidate who “buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.”

READ “John McCain and the POW Cover-Up.”

UPDATED (3/21/019):

‘Who Spawned The Christchurch Killer?’


It’s been a while since Pat Buchanan wrote about the fallout from decades of centrally planned mass immigration and the attendant forced integration. When he does, Pat is second to none.

“Who spawned the Christchurch killer?:

… Now, there are no excuses, or defenses, for what happened in Christchurch. But there is an explanation.
… without the people’s consent, the great experiment began:

America’s doors were thrown open to peoples of every religion, race, culture and creed, to create a different nation that mirrored all mankind in its diversity, in Ben Wattenberg’s phrase, a universal nation.

The problem: A universal nation is a contradiction in terms. A nation of all races, religions and tribes had never before existed.

The liberal democracies that embraced this ideology, this idea, are at war with human nature, and are losing this war to tribalism and authoritarianism.

As for Christchurch, unfortunately, such horrors appear to have become the new normal. But Brenton Tarrant alone is responsible for what he did. And it was not Trump but the New World Order globalists who fertilized the soil that spawned him. …

Mayor & Police Reassure The ‘Immigrant Community,’ After Helpless American Woman Is Killed By Illegal Alien Predator


For how long will American citizens tolerate these kind of travesties?

Fifty-nine-year-old Bambi Larson was found “slashed and beaten in her Knollfield Way home in San Jose on February 28.”

The 24-year-old suspect is Carlos Arevalo Carranza, illegal alien offal, a dangerous career criminal. He allegedly stalked his helpless victim with impunity.

A vulnerable American lady is butchered, yet, foremost on the “minds” of San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo and his police chief is to make assurances not to the legit community, but to the “immigrant community”:

… It is long overdue for the County to reconsider its current policy of ignoring ICE hold requests for predatory felons, which undermines the safety of the very immigrant communities we collectively seek to protect.

Don’t be naive. This guy Liccardo and his police chief are going through the motions, pandering to the right political bloc, ignoring the passive population that dare not speak its name.

Until the next time, when they will mutter the same sweet nothings on the grave of another helpless lady.