Category Archives: Gender

More #WomenInTheMilitary Equals More #Welfare Programs

Feminism, Gender, Military, Welfare

Capt. Courtney Wilson was unhappy in her duties until the military “just threw resources at me,” she told Babbling Brooke, “news” anchor at CNN, a job description that entails promoting the notion that “We … want more women to enter the forces,” to quote Brooke Baldwin.

Waxed Wilson: [The military] stepped up and they gave me amazing resources there like do you want biofeedback, do you want to do yoga, medication, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, just threw resources at me and I could not be happier with the service that I received. It absolutely — it gave me my life back.

BALDWIN: Wonderful. That’s wonderful. We know that and want more women to enter, you know, the forces. So I guess what would your message be to women wanting to sign up today?

WILSON: I would say, be authentic. I think that I spent way too much time caring about what other people thought and what type of leader they wanted me to be rather than understanding that I was competent and I was good and to just be myself. I wish that I had been more authentic.

BALDWIN: Quickly, I know you’re out now. What’s next for you?

WILSON: So I actually started my own fitness business. And I’m going to Babson College in Massachusetts to get my MBA. So hopefully open up a nonprofit gym that focuses on young women, and just getting them to understand the value of fitness and see how strong they are and lo for that to be led by female veterans.

BALDWIN: I love that idea. I love that idea.

WILSON: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Captain Wilson, thank you so much. Thank you so much for your service to this country …


Personally, I won’t be happy until my tax dollars go toward more than just “biofeedback, yoga, medication, therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy” for the women in the military. What about dolphin therapy? I hope we bought Captain America a pet as well.

Miraculously, Bruce Jenner Will Likely Continue To Love Women

Aesthetics, Gender, Pop-Culture, Sex

This is probably the only real Bruce Jenner we’ve ever seen; the rest has been celebrity and reality TV—Mr. Jenner has been embroiled in a vulgar reality show, in which he has been belittled and berated. Jenner’s gender identity is female; his pattern of sexual attraction is to women. The two—gender identity and sexual attraction—are different things. Bruce Jenner felt like a woman trapped in a man’s body. He has, however, always loved women and likely will continue to so do.

That too is a miracle, given the women who surround Mr. Jenner: shallow, plastic, empty, nasty (except the younger girls both of whom were beautiful, until Kylie Jenner, on the right, had plastic surgery. Now only Kendal, on the left, is gorgeous).

The newly deformed Kylie, after alterations, joining her sisters in the practice of self-examination (“selfie” posting):

Spring Rape

Crime, Feminism, Gender, Race, Republicans

On Fox News, Dana Loesch and Megyn Kelly tried to outdo one another during The Kelly File, tonight. Each lovely lady attempted to cluck louder than the other over an apparently “shocking” video of a spring-break rape, committed in front of throngs of indifferent tender young souls. Our children, you know.

The “breaking news” promised a “video that shows two men raping an unconscious woman on Florida beach.” I strained to see what Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen described as “the ‘most disgusting, sickening thing’ he had ever seen,” likening “the scene to ‘wild animals preying on a carcass laying [sic] in the woods’. He said the sickening footage shows at least three men surrounding an incapacitated woman on a beach chair.”

All I can see is black youngsters milling about in a beach setting. One culprit’s neck appears visible.

Oh, the two women reporters tried mightily to ignore the issue of race.

Hillary’s Spinning A Web For Charlotte

Aesthetics, Family, Feminism, Gender, Hillary Clinton, Welfare

Charlotte’s Web is a darling children’s book, published in 1952:

The novel tells the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friendship with a barn spider named Charlotte. When Wilbur is in danger of being slaughtered by the farmer, Charlotte writes messages praising Wilbur (such as “Some Pig”) in her web in order to persuade the farmer to let him live.

A web of a different kind is the one being woven by Grandma Clinton in the name of Charlotte, her infant granddaughter, also the putative inspiration for Hillary’s presidential bid.

“Becoming a grandmother has made me think deeply about the responsibility we all share as stewards of the world we inherit and will one day pass on. Rather than make me want to slow down, it has spurred me to speed up,” she writes in the new ending to her 2014 book, “Hard Choices.” … The former secretary of state was expected to announce her candidacy for president “as early as Sunday,” according to NBC News sources.
Clinton’s only child, Chelsea, gave birth last September to a daughter, Charlotte.
Clinton said she is inspired to keep working to ensure that Charlotte and her generation are provided equal opportunities to live up to their potential.
“You shouldn’t have to be the granddaughter of a President or a Secretary of State to receive excellent health care, education, enrichment, and all the support and advantages that will one day lead to a good job and a successful life. That’s what we want for all our kids,” she says. (Today News)

Trust liberals to call this welfare-womin centric message original.

Here’s Hillary in one of the many Mao tunics she’s fond of wearing:

Mao Zedong: