Category Archives: Gender

UPDATE II: Torture of A Different Kind (Feral Feminists)

Conservatism, Feminism, Gender, Political Correctness, Sex

If indeed Lena Dunham was raped, and I very much doubt it; females like her live a lie—her rapist deserves compensation; double the amount if Dunham spoke during the torture session.

This creature is beneath contempt. A lot of worthless (and talentless) females like Dunham are bankrupting and ruining the lives of innocent men. And contrary to the consensus among both conservative and liberal female commentators, who are, seemingly, unfamiliar with the bogus, violence-against-women statistical racket, sexual assault on campus is not epidemic.

Emily Yoffe of Slate has just unearthed, in 2014, the “misguided policies that infringe on the civil rights of men.” I wrote about the “Sub-Science [that] Bolsters Violence-Against-Women Claims” in 1999.

Dunham’s violation via

Dunham details in her book that back in college (Oberlin)–after a night of getting high on Xanax and cocaine–she was raped by the “campus’ resident conservative” named Barry. The incident was never reported to police. Upon the book’s release in September, Time magazine specifically writes a column about the incident, stating in the headline it was a ” Must-Read”. Dunham was paid a $3.5 million advance by Random House.
– Shortly after the book release,’s John Nolte begins to dig into the allegation against Barry and even visited Oberlin to attempt to verify the story. Nolte discovers from many sources that there was, in fact, an easily-identifiable campus conservative named Barry who attended the college at the same time the now-28-year-old Dunham was there. But nothing else adds up: Barry denies even meeting her, a college radio station show (Real Talk with Dumbo) Dunham says Barry hosted apparently didn’t even exist. Note: Barry is an uncommon name (it hasn’t even made the Top-1000 list since 2004), so finding scores of “Barrys” from Dunham’s tenure at a relatively small college didn’t happen during the investigation.
– As a result, Barry–forced to take down his social media accounts and now seen as a rapist–hires a lawyer, Aaron Minc. Barry–also in his 20s and not exactly liquid in terms of cash–turns to crowdsourcing to help pay his legal fees. He notes that any money that exceeds said fees would go to charities assisting survivors of rape and sexual assault. …


UPDATE I (12/11): Facebook thread. Lying Down With Lena DungHam:

Ilana Mercer: DungHam and most of her sorority of solipsistic north American sisters don’t know what rape is. They think that regret after a romp between the sheets means they were raped. They should decamp to Darfur or Durban to see real suffering. Sickening.

My 2nd Amendment sister, Nicki Kenyon, a tough lady who emigrated to the US from communist Russia, writes this about Lena DungHam’s “rape” experience:

Nicki Kenyon: “This twisted, sick bimbo did it for the attention – nothing more. Barry had to hire a lawyer – at exorbitant prices, I’m sure – to defend himself after her allegations. The school expended resources investigating her claims. The news whores and mediots spent months covering this monstrosity’s allegations. If there were any standards out there, this creature would be shunned by the world.

I say this as someone who WAS sexually assaulted in college by a mentally ill ex, and who did have the police arrest him, and who did have nightmares for years after the fact, and who carries a gun for personal protection. People like her make it impossible to believe people like me. I would like to kick her in her naughty bits, so hard, that she thinks twice about ever spreading her legs again!”


The only woman in mainstream media, who, with all her faults, I’d call brilliant:

Sorry this column is late. I got raped again on the way home. Twice. I should clarify – by “raped,” I mean that two seductive Barry White songs came on the radio, which, according to the University of Virginia, constitutes rape.

… It must be difficult for white, straight coeds, because it’s so hard to be a victim. You’re not black, you’re not gay, you don’t have leprosy – what can you do to acquire victim cool? Join the rape club! …

… The main threat to college students’ physical and emotional safety these days comes not from athletes or fraternity members, but from the feminists.”

MORE Ann Coulter.

Disgusting Dames

Feminism, Gender, Sex, Uncategorized

No, this is not one of the scenes expunged from The Exorcist, it’s the way of women; European feminists resort to removing their clothes and simulating lewd acts with crucifixes to protest nothing much more than the existence of entities other than themselves.

To protest the Pope speaking out of turn, or something like that, these whores “in nothing but black ankle boots, leather miniskirts, and flower garlands in their hair, dropped to all fours and began simulating a lewd act with the crucifixes.” (Via RT)

Women complain about sexism, yet it is they who’ve sexualized every aspect of life. You never see men exposing themselves in the workplace with inappropriate garb, or resolving to “break the Internet” by showing off a deformed figure and ass elephantiasis, as Kim Kardashian has done.

Monica’s Back. In time for Halloween.

English, Gender, Hillary Clinton, History, Ilana Mercer, Pop-Culture

Talk about a throwback culture. The bullying lobby has made whining a national pastime. This group has some cheek calling out Monica Lewinsky for setting back their cause. What cause? Thou Shalt Not Offend? Here are some bully headlines from Drudge:

‘She’s setting us back years’…
‘She doesn’t know what she’s talking about’…

Nothing could make this scribe listen to what Monica has to say today. However, here’s the column written in March of 1999 for Canada’s North Shore News. It probably appeared in the Calgary Herald as well, but I cannot quite recall. It seems a lifetime away. Have I been in the trenches that long? The insights are still good, the writing overwrought (being brutally self-critical is the first rule of writing).

©By Ilana Mercer

After watching Monica Lewinsky’s TV debut, I realized who in all this was the real hero. The man who stood bravely between the public and this caricature of a woman is no other than finger-in-the-dyke, Kenneth Starr. It is the independent counsel we must thank for delaying the unleashing of the histrionic Monica.

Menaces like Monica are a product of the times, as is the TV-pimp, Bawbawa Walters. These sorry prototypes are carefully nurtured by the education system. Girls are raised to believe that “like” they deserve everything “and stuff.” That empowerment means they can abandon reason and realistic self-appraisal because they are “totally great.” Feelings rule. Venting and pouting are the only ways of being, and if a guy doesn’t return your calls, President or “whatever,” he’s a jerk. Above all, your sexuality, the true meaning of which evades these shallow sisters, is your shrine second only to your self-esteem.

Monica, of course, blames her woes on a “low self-esteem.” What else? Her demeanor, however, was anything but demure. Her admirers chose “self-possessed” to describe her brazen countenance, although “arrogant” is more apt. If anything, this girl suffers inflated self-importance with a dose of grandeur. Monica threw tantrums when the president of the United States shied away from blowing his sax over the phone for her. And the “pres.,” says Monica, should have broadcast their “relationship” to the world had he any decency. From where Monica is perched, the president’s men had no right to come between her and her lover. This is a woman whose chunky self-esteem is a match only to her keister.

Next, Monica says “sorry.” Fully 66 percent of those polled thought Monica’s apology to the First Wife and daughter was a sincere one. What the public now accepts as an apology is another sick sign of the times. Monica said she was contrite yet proceeded to peel-off layer by layer every scab that ever formed over the sorry affair. This exercise in expiation she carried out in view of millions of people. Apologies have, indeed, become nothing but Oprah-moments, where victims and perpetrators collaborate, under the media’s gaze, to belittle the meaning of loss and injustice.

The reactions in the media to Monica are a useful litmus test for the quality of commentary in the press. The Canadian National Post came tops, consistently assigning wry descriptions to the “bubble head.” Second was the New York Times, referring to the interview as “… a giddy Cosmo version of self-realization, a tale told in the psychosexual language of magazine covers that urge their readers to own their sexuality.”

The Globe and Mail, and the Vancouver Sun vied for a position on the lowest of rungs. Gaseously effervescent was the Globe and Mail’s John Allemang’s string of superlatives: “all-consumingly sensuous, frank, lucid, articulate, focused,” blah, blah, blah. Even her voice, “High, gentle and firm,” gave this man the hots. The Vancouver Sun upped the ante by dignifying Monica’s book with a review.

The reviewer called the book “delicious,” and offered a sample of Andrew Morton’s lumpen prose, showcasing these linguistic vacuities: Monica is analytical, sharp, brilliant, with a photographic memory … ad nauseum. Morton, who told Princess Diana’s “story,” is popping up under every rock with details about the genesis of Monica’s “pain,” which all lead to no other than Torry Spelling’s birthday party snubs. Spelling has a lot more to atone for than a bunch of dreadful films.

Monica’s heft is no longer upon us, although others will step forward to fill the only impression she ever left on the cultural stage, to paraphrase Sir William Shwenck Gillbert’s witticism. When they do, be mindful that girls like Monica don’t get betrayed; they simply star (no pun intended) in their own destructive passion plays. Monica shared her stain-filled affair with anyone who would stand still long enough to listen. And Monica selected her cast, including the sneering Linda Tripp and “Bomber Bill.”

©Ilana Mercer
A version of this article appeared in The North Shore News
March 9, 1999

Tasteful Vs. Teletart

Aesthetics, Gender, Pop-Culture

When everywhere, on TV and in real life, badly dressed, over-exposed women and girls assault the eye—it doesn’t hurt to be reminded what class looks like. Fifty three seconds into this touching interview conducted with Kim Campbell, wife of Alzheimer’s-stricken musician Glenn Cambell, the camera pans out to reveal Mrs. Campbell’s elegant attire. She is wearing black, knee-high boots, and a long, grey, well-tailored skirt nipped in high at the waist.

Opposite Mrs. Campbell sits Fox News’ coarse-looking Gretchen Carlson. She is dressed in a cheap-looking turquoise slip hitched almost as high as her thighs. This is the standard-issue outfit (and behavior) on Fox News. Too awful.

On BBC News and RT one can still find the odd intellectual, who knows a thing or two about a topic. But in markets catering to American tastes—that includes Al Jazeera America—it’s teletarts all the way.