Category Archives: Gender

UPDATED: The Illogic (And Tyranny) Of Gender Preferences

Affirmative Action, Feminism, Gender, Reason, Science

To say that “Science needs women” is as logically consistent as saying that, “‘Heavyweight boxing needs Malays,’ ‘Football needs dwarf goalkeepers,”Quantity surveying needs bisexuals,’ ‘Lavatory cleaning needs left-handers’ …”

The above logical parallels make the absurdity of the argument for more women in science “immediately apparent,” reasons Theodore Dalrymple.

Science does not need women any more than it needs foot fetishists, pole-vaulters, or Somalis. What science needs (if an abstraction such as science can be said to need anything) is scientists. If they happen also to be foot fetishists, pole-vaulters, or Somalis, so be it: but no one in his right mind would go to any lengths to recruit for his laboratory foot fetishists, pole-vaulters, or Somalis for those characteristics alone.

“A Miasma of Untruth” by Theodore Dalrymple: A little long-winded for me, but well-worth the read for that priceless kernel of logic.

UPDATE (7/1): Myron Pauli’s Demonstration of Illogical Reasoning (LOL):

Myron Robert Pauli: “now hold on …. [1] I am a scientist; [2] I need women; therefore [3] science needs women!!!”

Silly Shrew

Feminism, Gender, Russia

How does a shameless shrew demonstrate how she feels (for she can’t think)? By baring her breasts while stabbing a statue of President Vladimir Putin in a Paris wax museum.

… A topless member of the radical protest group Femen used a metal chisel to stab and bash in the face of Putin’s statue in a famed Paris wax museum on Thursday.
The activist, who had ‘Kill Putin’ written on her bare chest, reportedly screamed “Putin is a dictator” while destroying the figure at the Grevin Wax Museum, French daily Le Parisien reported.
Police arrested the activist shortly after the attack, which happened near statues of US President Barack Obama and recently abdicated Spanish King Juan Carlos, both of which escaped without a scratch. …

Some comic relief from a fem who takes herself ever so seriously.

Marie Barf : Sibilant Tart At State

Feminism, Gender, Government

Marie Barf, sibilant spokeswoman for the State Department, already has a dossier on Barely a Blog. Our last entry, “Stupid Bitch At Foggy Bottom,*” marveled at the way this low-watt, schoolmarmish yet tartish young spokeswoman (who, no doubt, hails from an Ivy League school), seemed incapable of responding to reasoned repartee. Barf’s performance was repeated today. “Google it on the web,” she lectured, with reference to “a ton of conflicting reports” about Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl’s alleged desertion.

To be so confident and incompetent at the same time is a marvel of the Millennial …

Bawbawa’s Journalistic Porn

Gender, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media

“Bawbawa’s Journalistic Porn” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

“Barbara Walters has promised to retire. But then so did that lip-licking lizard, Larry King. You can’t take them at their word.

In my journalism-school days one looked up to the legendary, late Oriana Fallaci. These days, it’s mediocrities like Walters and colorectal crusader Katie Couric who’re considered cutting-edge clever.

And they’ve sired a new crop of talking coifs. Although they’re walking clichés—and there’s little they can say that will edify or enlighten—the likes of Brook Baldwin and Erin Burnett of CNN are regularly invited to deliver commencement addresses to university graduates! “Remember, it’s not about you,” Baldwin lectured students at her journalism and communications school alma mater. Yet journalistic evenhandedness regularly tips into self-serving advocacy under the direction of this feminist front-woman. “As a woman, I get frustrated,” Baldwin protested, as she browbeat a British reporter for daring to criticize Kate Middleton’s barely-there underwear.

Coming as she did from a background in “women’s interest stories,” it was only natural for Walters to bring the same one-dimensional perspective to “The View,” a roundtable dominated by women and aimed at the same demographic. “The View” was “charitably” punctured by the occasional “Guy Day Friday.” So successful was Barbara’s formula, that it has been copied by Fox News (where, with exceptions like Gerri Willis, Elizabeth MacDonald, Melissa Francis and Kennedy of the Business channel—the babes are not much better). “Outnumbered” (but not outfoxed) is “The View,” but with a better view of legs and cleavage. Views voiced by the self-congratulatory cyphers in short skirts on the GOP network, however, are just as formulaic as Barbara’s Democrat-friendly debates.

Another of Barbara’s brainchildren was the much anticipated, annual “Most Fascinating People List,” for which she redefined the concept of “fascinating.” Yes, Walters has been a cog in a coarsening culture. Some of her past picks for “The Most Fascinating List” included Paris Hilton, KimYe (Kim Kardashian and Kanye West), and twerker Miley Cyrus. …”

Read the rest. “Bawbawa’s Journalistic Porn” is now on WND.