Category Archives: Healthcare

NEW COLUMN: American White Male Misery Is Real

America, Crime, Healthcare, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood, Psychiatry, Race

NEW COLUMN IS “American White Male Misery Is Real.” It’s on WND.COM and The Unz Review. An excerpt:

A CNN profiler was speaking about the El Paso shooting, on August 6, in which 22 people were murdered by an angry white man.

She blamed the killer’s sense of white privilege. Mass murder carried out by white, young men, the “analyst” was saying, occurs because these young men cannot adjust to a changing society. They cling to the way things were, when the country was predominantly white.

In other words, the oppressor in these young white men wants to continue to oppress.

When whites commit unspeakable acts of violence, it is said to only ever come from a place of power and privilege.

When browns and blacks commit unspeakable acts of violence, it only ever comes from a place of powerlessness and deprivation.

With distressing regularity, we’re lectured that black or brown evil is a consequence of systemic oppression; white evil a result of frustration over having to relinquish the systemic role of oppressor.

For heaven’s sake: Let’s not be insensible to contradictions. Let us apply the same method, irrespective of the perp’s skin color, in uncovering the causation of crime.

It goes without saying that mass shooters all are evil, not ill. No good can come of medicalizing bad behavior. Mass shootings are “a moral-health, not mental-health, problem.”

You can’t have a color-coded theory of causation; one for whites; another for blacks and browns.

Ditto for suicide. When a white man offs himself, it’s not because he’s no longer The Boss.

Like the profiler just mentioned, other social scientists implicate a “decline in income and status” in white suicide. It’s discounted and mocked, but, however you slice it, white male misery in America is real.

Better than most media, The Economist’s writers are still no angels. They, too, dance like so many angels on the head of a pin, so as to downplay the effects of systemic hostility toward the white men of America. …

… READ THE REST. NEW COLUMN IS “American White Male Misery Is Real.” It’s on WND.COM and The Unz Review.


Black Men In America Are Living Almost As Long As White Men

America, Crime, Healthcare, Race, Racism

With the constant complaints about the perils of being black in America, the following data will come as a surprise to some:

The chasm in life-expectancy that once existed [between blacks and whites] has nearly closed.

“Criminologists still do not know why violent crime and homicides began to decline [for blacks]in the mid-1990s. A wide array of theories have been proposed.” A strong contender: “mass incarceration actually working as intended.”

In fact, “the emergence of the opioid epidemic, which kills whites at higher rates than other races, has also hastened the racial convergence.”

BACK IN 1980 when Harlem was still a byword for poverty, criminality and the decline of New York City, black men in the neighbourhood had a worse chance of living to the age of 65 than men in Bangladesh did. At that time Harlem’s residents—almost all of them black, and many of them poor—died of heart disease at double the rate of whites. They died of liver cirrhosis, brought on by alcoholism or hepatitis, at ten times the rate of whites. And they were 14 times likelier to be murdered.


… the persistent gap in life expectancy between whites and blacks has closed substantially, and is now at its narrowest ever. In 1900, … the life expectancy for black boys at birth was 32.5—14.1 years shorter than for white boys. Put another way, the typical black boy had 30% less life to live. Incremental progress, however fitful, was made for the next century, but epidemics of crack, HIV and urban violence threatened to reverse [progress]. By 1993, a peak year for violent crime, the life-expectancy gap between black and white men had widened again by nearly three years, to 8.5 years.

… But then it began a sustained, steady fall. In 2011 the black-white gap had narrowed to 4.4 years for men (5.7% less) and just 3.1 years (3.8% less) for women. Though progress then levelled off until 2016, the most recent year available from the CDC, the trend is stable and not reversing.

… A wide array of theories have been proposed: the eroding appeal of crack cocaine, mass incarceration actually working as intended, legalisation of abortion, less lead poisoning of children and the improving economy. But the public-health consequences are abundantly clear, particularly for black men who were and remain the most frequent victims of murder. …


MORE: “Black Lives Longer.”

Government’s Funneling Illegals From Ebola Hot-Spots Into YOUR Communities

Government, Healthcare, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Nationhood, Republicans

Republicans are awfully silent about the scandal that is the southwest border. One cans safely state that Republicans make the border an issue only when they are running for office.

Unscreened individuals from disease hot-spots in Africa and central America are being given safe passage into your communities. “No special screening, extra scrutiny, or quarantine required.”

Republicans refuse to perform their constitutional duty to protect their citizens from an onslaught. Watch them wake up, conveniently, when the Democrats are in power.

On the other hand, The dumb Democrats would win hands down in 2020 if they screamed bloody blue murder over the criminal negligence, ostensibly under the Republicans, on the border.

REMEMBER: “Whether they’re armed with bombs or bacteria, stopping weaponized invaders from harming Americans falls within the purview of the U.S. government. The government’s basic duty is to protect America from health and safety threats, both foreign and domestic.” (See “Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?“)

But we Deplorables just accept dereliction that borders on treason.

550 African migrants were just caught in Texas. DHS head says they aren’t being screened for Ebola“:

The border crisis is no longer exclusively a problem of illegal Central American migrants. As word spreads of the collapse of border enforcement, the number of migrants from Africa continues to increase. The threat of bringing in dangerous diseases is higher than ever, yet there are no mandatory and universal screenings, quarantines, or detention before illegal immigrants are released into our communities, often within hours.

According to preliminary weekly data used internally by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and given to CR by a Border Patrol agent who must remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the press, over 550 African migrants were apprehended in Texas in just one week – from May 30 through June 5. The lion’s share were from the Democratic Republic of Congo, the country with the worst Ebola outbreak in the world.

With great clarity, author Daniel Horowitz, argues that,

So why is [Trump’s guy) McAleenan himself not requiring such a process, and if such a process is unfeasible given the numbers, shouldn’t these people be inadmissible rather than being released? Asylum does not trump the medically inadmissible statutes of 8 U.S.C. 1182. In other words, if the criminal smuggling conspiracy is so successful that it results in catastrophic numbers jamming our border, why should that strengthen the claim of the aliens to be released without following medical quarantine rather than strengthen the claim of the American sovereign to keep them out


UPDATED (9/23/020): Obesity

Free Will Vs. Determinism, Healthcare, Psychiatry

“Evolution has equipped people for a world very different from the one they now inhabit. They are obese because their appetites are adapted to scarcity, not superabundance.” (The Economist, Apr 13th 2019)


UPDATE (9/23/020): CDC dumbly and unscientifically  classifies obesity as a disease. Why not? Some psychiatrists consider not paying alimony a disease, so why not overeating?

What is true is that “obesity remains high across the USA.” CDC says ” twelve states now have an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35 percent,” but that seems too low. Everything on the CDC’s site is written is such vague, incoherent fashion.

What is true is that obesity is a comorbidity when it comes to COVID-19.

Obesity Worsens Outcomes from COVID-19

Adults with obesity are at even greater risk during the COVID-19 pandemic: