Category Archives: Healthcare

‘Deaths Of Despair’: The Most Suicidal Populations Are Amerindians And American Whites

America, Economy, Healthcare, IMMIGRATION, Multiculturalism, Psychiatry, Race, Russia, The West, The Zeitgeist, Welfare

Suicide rates are declining everywhere except for the big exception: America, where it is 12.8 per 100,000, “well above China’s current rate of seven.”

And, in particular, among white Americans and native Americans.

“There are parallels between the rise in suicide in post-Soviet Russia and the ‘deaths of despair’ in America identified by Anne Case and Sir Angus Deaton, economists at Princeton University,” observes The Economist.

Suicide rates among white Americans are higher, and have risen faster since 2000, than among any other group except native Americans (see chart). The same trend can be seen among the middle-aged. At the turn of the century, older people were much more likely to kill themselves than those in their 50s, but that is no longer true. Rates among people in rural areas are higher, and have been increasing faster, than those among people in towns and cities.

The Economist is slightly more candid than the likes of the neocons and lite libertarians mentioned in the post, “Immigration: A Look-Away Issue For Neocons & Lite Libertarians“:

For working-class misery, neoconservatives and lite libertarians [economic reductionist all] blame everything BUT mass immigration, diversity, loss of community and sense of place. Anything but the truth …

MORE: “Defeating despair: Suicide is declining almost everywhere …”

UPDATED (1/5/019): NEW COLUMN: Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?

Ethics, Family, Government, Healthcare, Homeland Security, IMMIGRATION, Kids

NEW COLUMN IS  “Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?” It’s currently on WND, The Unz Review, and American Greatness. An excerpt:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to trace outbreaks to Patient Zero, the index case—the first patient to get, then transmit, a disease. Is this government agency doing due diligence in the cases of the polio-like paralysis infecting hundreds of America’s kids?

By the dictionary’s telling, epidemiology is “the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the causes, distribution, and control of disease in populations.”

By WND’s telling, “the diagnosis of the first cases of AFM, acute flaccid myelitis, in 2014,” coincided with the dispersal of thousands of Central American children among U.S. school children. More conspicuous at that time “was an outbreak of a deadly respiratory illness” that put hundreds of America’s children in intensive care. “Both types of symptoms can probably be caused by enterovirus D68, which happens to be endemic in Central America,” opines Dr. Jane Orient.

Are the state’s epidemiologists—whose job it is to trace and terminate outbreaks of contagious diseases—following these connections?

An outbreak necessitates the tracing of “Patient Zero,” the “single individual who bears the unknowing responsibility for having introduced the disease” to a certain population.

The same taxpayer-funded medical sleuths impressively tracked down the index case in the AIDS epidemic in North America. As documented in the late Randy Shilts’ And the Band Played On, he was Gaetan Dugas, a dashing, promiscuous, Canadian flight attendant, who had had approximately 1,000 sexual partners.

Although the CDC has provided a perfunctory status-update of its AFM Investigation, the  agency’s mention of a possible genetic etiology for Poliomyelitis, a dreadful, highly infectious viral disease, is bizarre. It reads like a cop-out.

What next? Like the legendary Lancet has done, can we expect the CDC to diagnose “right-wing politics” with folly and fervency for daring to correlate “migration to infection”?

Lest you worried that “the nation’s health protection agency” was putting America First, the CDC boasts of making strides, between January 2017 and September 2018, “Toward Poliomyelitis Eradication”—in Pakistan. (I guess CDC could argue that lots of Pakistanis will end up in the U.S., “looking for a better life.”)

In any event, along for the ride with the thousands of migrants poised to pour into the U.S. from Central America is a healthy array of microbes: measles, Chagas disease, hepatitis and much more. Diversity, baby.

According to Tijuana’s Health Department, via Fox News, 60 percent of the migrants currently encamped on the U.S. border carry respiratory infections. There are, moreover, confirmed cases of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, chickenpox, and skin infections galore, in addition to lice—these “serve as vectors of diseases like typhus.”  …

… READ THE REST.  NEW COLUMN,  “Will CDC Trace Polio-Like Outbreak, Or Just Shout ‘Racism’?,” is currently on WNDThe Unz Review, and American Greatness

UPDATED (1/5/019):

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: “These aren’t my facts, these are the facts.”

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The Republican Party Is A Farce

Government, Healthcare, Politics, Republicans

As for the Republican Party: It’s a failure, a farce; it has been for … a very long time. Has the GOP (Grand Old Party) ever reversed a single New Deal or Great-Society welfare program? (I’m all ears.) Has it even slowed the growth and reach of Leviathan? Au contraire.

Despite being currently in control of 3 branches of government, members have failed to repeal the onerous parts of Zero Care. “It’s time to move on,” noodled Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who does not have a deductible of thousands of dollars before HIS own healthcare coverage kicks in.

UPDATED (8/2): The “Passion” Of Anthony Scaramucci

Celebrity, Donald Trump, Etiquette, Healthcare, Media, Republicans

Is the passion of Anthony Scaramucci real, or just phony, folksy, showy populism, fit for the Fake News Media and a gullible population? Are Americans being played by crooked politicians and power-brokers? It won’t be a first.

(And where’s The Wall? The fight for immigration bans and moratorium?)

UPDATE (8/2): “Like any father would do”: