Category Archives: Healthcare

Obama Obfuscates On Ebola

Barack Obama, Healthcare, Propaganda, Pseudoscience, Science

As a former HIV/AIDS volunteer counselor in South Africa, it is my never-humble opinion that comparing Ebola to HIV/AIDS amounts to politically correct theatre. For one thing, it is not easy to contract the human immunodeficiency virus. For another, the virus is relatively fragile outside the host. Viral load or titer factors into the chances of transmission. And it is both easy and cheap to prevent transmission. AIDS infection rates in Africa have nothing to do with lack of resources but, rather, with unprotected sex irrespective of ample education.

Ebola is the exact opposite. It is not difficult to get. The virus doesn’t easily destruct outside the body. In West Africa, in particular, it is difficult to stop an Ebola epidemic because of magical thinking and a lack of infrastructure.

Front men for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have obfuscated plenty about Ebola. However, Dr. Barack Obola, who should get that growing proboscis checked out, takes the cake. The president has managed to dispense Ebola advice in direct contradiction to even the CDC’s breezy platitudes.

“You cannot get it through casual contact like sitting next to someone on a bus. … Ebola is not spread through the air like the flu. … You cannot get it from another person until they start showing symptoms of the disease, like fever. … cannot get it from someone who’s asymptomatic.” (CNSNews & Hot Air)

The CDC’s website, as opposed to its media representatives, provides the correct information, distilled by Hot Air:

Casual transmission in close quarters in public spaces is possible.
Spending “a long amount of time” within three feet of an infected person is risky, a scenario that logically includes a long bus ride.
A spokesman for the CDC told the LA Times recently that “I’m not going to sit here and say that if a person who is highly viremic … were to sneeze or cough right in the face of somebody who wasn’t protected, that we wouldn’t have a transmission.” Well, there you go. If there’s a risk of transmission on a plane, why wouldn’t there be a risk of transmission on a bus?

UPDATED: Conspiracy Or Just Government SOP? (Obola Calling Israel)

Conspiracy, Healthcare, IMMIGRATION, Pseudoscience, The State

Don’t trust the state’s health emissaries. That’s not an unreasonable message to take away from the Ebola dust-up in Dallas. While I am no conspiracy theorist—never have been—I do think the theory proffered below by Prof. Jason Kissner (hat doff to is plausible. Why? Because state operatives, reflexively if not intentionally, conspire to retain their policy mission (open borders always) and increase their sphere of influence.

Excerpted from “The Dallas Ebola Case: An Immigration-Related Process Conspiracy?”

To begin, consider that people like Dr. Sanjay Gupta keep saying that the Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan had “told the nurse” who attended to him upon his first arrival at the Texas Presbyterian Hospital Emergency Room that he had “traveled “to” Africa.”

That’s certainly a very odd thing for a Liberian national, having just arrived from Monrovia, Liberia to the United States for the very first time in his life, to have supposedly said, is it not? Of course, it fits the CDC Checklist used prior to, and including, Duncan’s case, so that must have been exactly what Duncan said, right Sanjay?

Duncan’s status as a Monrovian Liberian national has not exactly been blasted across the MSM news; in fact, the MSM news for the most part has been adhering studiously to the asinine “traveled to Africa” view even though it is grossly misleading.

So why adhere to the view? The chief contention of this article is that we might be observing the unfolding of a “process conspiracy” pertaining to Ebola and the highly contentious immigration issue. The phrase “process conspiracy” is operationalized here as a conspiracy rooted in a policy or policies consciously designed to shape practice in ways such that the output exacerbates the very problems the policy/policies was (were), on the surface, designed to contend with.

The specific object of the Globalist Ebola process conspiracy is here theorized to involve diminishing the linkage, in public consciousness, of Ebola with nationality status. Globalists have huge immigration plans for the U.S., and they do not want Ebola (or any other infectious disease, for that matter) getting in the way of those plans. That is why their Ebola policy protocols—as absurd as they are (discussed shortly)— read the way they do, that is why we have been exposed to a cloud of lies emanating from Dallas and dispersed through the MSM, and that is why Duncan was discharged with antibiotics soon after his first visit to the Emergency Room of Texas Presbyterian.

Because the theory is a process conspiracy theory and therefore rooted in subverted policy, it has application not just to Duncan, but to future Duncans as well. The argument proceeds as follows. First, a brief observation concerning risk is offered which, even though obvious, is necessary because without it the argument will make little sense. Second, the CDC’s Ebola Screening and Isolation polices are examined, and, on the basis of the risk observation, shown to be not only wholly inadequate to the task they were allegedly crafted to meet, but quite likely to make the Ebola contagion problem even worse. Third, evidence is provided in support of the idea that the Ebola process conspiracy theory offers a simple, and very plausible explanation, of certain important assertions of fact, and inconsistencies, emanating from Dallas that are otherwise rather difficult to explain. Throughout, the connection to the issue of nationality status will be obvious.

On the risk issue, people who are Liberian nationals and residents of the hot zone Monrovia clearly present much greater risk than randomly drawn “travelers to” Liberia, simply because the exposure time is likely to be much greater for the former set of people.

Now we turn to consideration of the CDC’s policy guidance on screening and isolation of Ebola patients—and keep in mind that, astonishingly, these (click here and here) are purportedly new policy statements issued in the wake of the Duncan Dallas case, and yet they still do not meet the very problem Duncan-type cases present.

The screening/isolation problem presented by Duncan type cases is this: under CDC policy guidelines, what are hospitals supposed to do when they encounter potential Ebola cases that are asymptomatic, but which involve persons who have not merely “traveled to” certain countries in Africa, but in fact are also nationals of one of those countries who have lived, perhaps even in outbreak areas, at a minimum since the outbreak began? …


UPDATED: OBOLA CALLING ISRAEL. Obama wants Israel to assist in the Ebola effort. Israel says no:

“Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon says assisting in medical relief in Liberia and Sierra Leone would risk infecting Israeli personnel.” … after examining the request and mission details, the Defense Ministry decided against Israel’s participation, saying there was no feasible way to provide for the safety of the Israeli doctors and medical crews, which then could return to Israel and further spread the virus.” (WND)

MORE @Twitchy.

American Moral Relativism Meets African Traditional Morality

Africa, Conservatism, Healthcare, Morality

Anyone who hails from Africa proper knows how conservative Africans are. Most authentic Africans would find the left-liberalism and moral relativism of Americans repugnant.

Read on.

Patient Zero, the man who brought Ebola to the US, is Thomas Eric Duncan. According to Binyah Kesselly, board chairman of the Liberia Airport Authority, Duncan lied on a Liberian health screening questionnaire.

Duncan answered “no” to questions about whether he had cared for a patient with the deadly virus and whether he had touched the body of someone who died in an area affected by the disease.

Speaking to CNN’s Jake Tapper, the Liberian Ambassador to U.S, Jeremiah Sulunteh, condemned “this kind of behavior” (deception), and said that the Liberian government intended to take legal action against the man.

“Our hearts are broken to witness this reckless behavior on the part of Duncan,” lamented the Liberian ambassador. “Duncan has violated Liberian public-health law and this is punishable. He has done something shameful. We are truly sorry and apologize to the US, a country that has been there for Liberia all the way.”

Very decent sentiments you say.

Tapper, however, looked on aghast, replying with a non sequitur: How can Liberia prosecute a victim of the disease who is suffering so?

Of course, the one issue has nothing to do with the other: If a man knowingly concealed that he might have been weaponized with Ebola—he has a moral culpability to other human beings.

Tapper, however, has seldom encountered such moral certitude of this kind among folks in the homeland. He knows only the moral relativism that pervades America.

State-Mediated Terrorism

Healthcare, IMMIGRATION, Objectivism

It’s all very hush-hush. An epidemic of Enterovirus 68 is striking down hundreds of the country’s children. Paralysis is its latest complication.

Writes WND’s Chelsea Schilling: “Just weeks after the Obama administration let more than 37,000 illegal-alien children into the U.S. without health screening, more than 1,000 kids across 10 states have been stricken with a respiratory virus – prompting widespread concerns about a major outbreak sweeping across the nation.”

On his Monday show, talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh explored the possibility of a link between the flood of illegal aliens and the spread of a severe and rare respiratory virus known as Enterovirus D68, or EV-D68.

“Obama will not tell anybody where all of the children that have crossed the border in the last four months have been relocated to,” Limbaugh said.

“There are a bunch of people who want to know. We had these kids cross the border from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, wherever they came from in Central America, and they were processed real quickly. They were gotten in, gotten out, and they’ve been distributed all over the country. And Obama won’t tell anybody where he put ‘em. … The regime will not announce where they are.”

Limbaugh asked, “Are the two stories related or are they not? Does this sweeping, mysterious virus that’s multiplying across the Midwest, does it have anything to do with it or not? We don’t know. That’s the answer. We just don’t know. But some people think there may be some kind of a connection.”

Another talk-radio giant, Michael Savage, blasted Obama for releasing the illegal-alien children in all 50 states: “This population in America, which once enjoyed the greatest health on earth, is now being devolved into a second-world nation in terms of health because Obama is so corrupt, was so ignorant, was so evil that he’s taken what was once the greatest nation on earth and devolving us into a second nation status.”

Savage, who earned a doctorate in epidemiology at the University of California at Berkeley, declared on his show Monday, “For 20 years, I’ve been trying to warn America about the unscreened immigrants being brought in. Now, of course, it’s coming home to roost and the American people are being lied to by the Centers for Disease Transmission. They used to be the CDC; they’re now the CDT.

All this has thrown into sharp relief the work of the late, dazzling Randian, Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq.:

TB was virtually absent in Virginia until in 2002, when it spiked a 17 percent increase, but Prince William County, just south of Washington, D.C., had a much larger rise of 188 percent. Public health officials blamed immigrants. In 2001 the Indiana School of Medicine studied an outbreak of MDR-TB, and traced it to Mexican illegal aliens. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases in 2001 to immigrants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ascribed 42 percent of all new TB cases to foreign born people who have up to eight times higher incidence. Apparently, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines, and Vietnam. [“Illegal Aliens and American Medicine,” by Madeleine Pelner Cosman, Ph.D., Esq.]

Chagas disease is yet another disease that has been imported from Latin America and has infiltrated America’s blood supply. “Chagas affects blood transfusions and transplanted organs,” cautioned Dr. Cosman. “No cure exists. Hundreds of blood recipients may be silently infected. After 10 to 20 years, up to 30 percent will die when their hearts or intestines, enlarged and weakened by Chagas, burst.”

Seven thousand cases of leprosy over the last 30 years may seem negligible, but “leprosy, a scourge in Biblical days and in medieval Europe,” had been eradicated in the US. Now it’s back. By the reluctant admission of the New York Times, it was brought over from Asia and Latin America.

Other diseases with similar origins and vectors of transmissions are dengue fever, polio, malaria, Kawasaki disease, intestinal parasites, and the ghastly, deadly brain worm. Even Wikipedia, the online Southern Poverty Law Center of encyclopedias, divulged that “cysticercosis in the U.S is an imported disease … found in immigrants from Mexico, Central and South America.”