Category Archives: Iran

Iran's Majnun-in-Chief


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s President: what a loathsome lout. Former diplomat Martin Indyk of the Brookings Institute described him aptly: wily, ignorant, smarmy, and not mad, just crazy like a fox. Ahmadinejad ignored CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s question (admittedly easy to do; that girl’s a mess) as to his wipe-Israel-off-the-map routine. Instead, he fixed his dead, beady eyes on the coy Cooper, and shot back with this: “the Zionist regimeâ€?—why can’t anyone criticize it in the US?â€? gormless git. Has he never visited his buds at The American Conservative,, Counterpunch, A.N.S.W.E.R, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and other tinfoilers, whose views at their tamest represent maybe 13 percent of American opinion? (See this poll from the Phew Research Center. “The Hebraic Bondâ€? will help provide a deeper understating of Americans’ moral affinities. That, and suicide bombings.)
Next, smirking as though he’d come up with something super smart, Iran’s Majnun-in-Chief asked the inept Anderson, “Why don’t they allow more research and studies to be done about [the Holocaust]?â€? For Pete’s sake, hasn’t this fool, with his Ph.D. in traffic and transportation engineering and planning, had an invitation from the Institute for Historical Review, our premier Holocaust denial coven of kooks? They can rattle off reams of “researchersâ€? who’ve dedicated themselves to proving the gas chambers were really Jacuzzis (the sum-total of Fred Leuchter’s “scholarship, for instance).
Or does Ahmadinejad think he’s on to something?

Iran’s Majnun-in-Chief


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran’s President: what a loathsome lout. Former diplomat Martin Indyk of the Brookings Institute described him aptly: wily, ignorant, smarmy, and not mad, just crazy like a fox. Ahmadinejad ignored CNN’s Anderson Cooper’s question (admittedly easy to do; that girl’s a mess) as to his wipe-Israel-off-the-map routine. Instead, he fixed his dead, beady eyes on the coy Cooper, and shot back with this: “the Zionist regimeâ€?—why can’t anyone criticize it in the US?â€? gormless git. Has he never visited his buds at The American Conservative,, Counterpunch, A.N.S.W.E.R, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and other tinfoilers, whose views at their tamest represent maybe 13 percent of American opinion? (See this poll from the Phew Research Center. “The Hebraic Bondâ€? will help provide a deeper understating of Americans’ moral affinities. That, and suicide bombings.)
Next, smirking as though he’d come up with something super smart, Iran’s Majnun-in-Chief asked the inept Anderson, “Why don’t they allow more research and studies to be done about [the Holocaust]?â€? For Pete’s sake, hasn’t this fool, with his Ph.D. in traffic and transportation engineering and planning, had an invitation from the Institute for Historical Review, our premier Holocaust denial coven of kooks? They can rattle off reams of “researchersâ€? who’ve dedicated themselves to proving the gas chambers were really Jacuzzis (the sum-total of Fred Leuchter’s “scholarship, for instance).
Or does Ahmadinejad think he’s on to something?

Default Diplomacy

America, Iran, Iraq, Islam, WMD

Diplomacy, not bribery à la Bush, is a good thing, for sure, all the more so if it averts violent confrontation. The goal with Iran ought to be to get IAEA inspectors in there, and have them criss-cross the place—and keep doing so—as they did Iraq before Bush banished them (to wage war, in violation of international and every other law, including natural). Treat Iran’s nuclear facilities like CSI would a crime scene.

But let’s be perfectly clear on who is offering whom a way out. The package of incentives (and disincentives) made to Iran, a pivotal member of Bush’s “axis of evil,” contradicts the Bush Doctrine in every possible way, not least in ignoring the poisonous drip-drip of dissident groups urging action (and that’s a good thing: think Mr. liar-liar-pants-on-fire Chalabi).

By allowing them to front the Iran “deal,” the Europeans have lifted Bush and Rice from the blood-soaked Iraqi soil, dusted them off, and let them save what they lost in “Mess-opotamia”: face.

A way out for Iran? More like a way back in for America.

That Persian Pussycat


It’s official. In case you missed the very gay burlesque, broadcast from Iran, in which a bevy of AhmadiNijinskies pirouetted around canisters of uranium hexaflouride: Iran has enriched uranium.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad broke the news in a ceremony almost as tacky as the last Oscar Awards. He was speaking symbolically from the holy city of Mashad.

That Iran has edged closer to The Bomb does not perturb everyone. Surprisingly, many of those who courageously exposed neoconservative jerry-built justifications for war in Iraq are now fudging the truth about Iran…

Read the complete column, That Persian Pussycat, on