Category Archives: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

UPDATED I (1/9): Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Intelligence, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Russia

“Bye-Bye Barack: Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller. An excerpt:

… Obama is a case study in hubris. He began his presidency by claiming, in 2008, that his crowning was “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

“[T]his was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth,” Obama vaporized. “This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves, and our highest ideals.”

His eight lean years Obama ended with similar arrant and arrogant nonsense: “I’m confident that if I had run again and articulated [my vision of progressive change], I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it.”

It’s perfectly plausible, then, to posit that Obama’s retaliation against Russia, three weeks before the inauguration of his successor, is a last-ditch attempt to gain one-upmanship over Trump, who is dominating the news cycle, a thing the narcissistic incumbent can’t abide.

Essentially, B. Hussein Obama is crashing about like a maniac in trying to retain his unwarranted status. Lo and behold, in the course of BHO’s flailing, we discover that government is perfectly capable of deporting foreigners when it wants to. Witness Obama’s petulant expulsion of Russian diplomats, payback for that country’s alleged harassment of American diplomats (no proof provided). This from the man who did nothing about Muslims murdering an American diplomat in Afghanistan. …

… Read the rest. “Bye-Bye Barack:Loser Lashes Out Over Legacy” is now on The Daily Caller.

UPDATE I (1/9):


UPDATE II (12/9): The America-First Significance of Barack Obama’s Dust-Up With Bibi (& Putin)

Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Russia, Trade

In the words of the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, “Almost every level of dialogue with the United States is frozen.” As a spiteful Barack Obama prepares to punish Russia for infractions the American people, by-and-large, do not believe Russia committed—the American president watches his legacy slip away.

And Israel, seeing a weakness in Obama’s crumbling facade, has pounced.


First was the UN to pass a resolution, Friday, stating “that the establishment of settlements ‘has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-state solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.'” (BBCNews)

Next was the US’s “decision to abstain” from vetoing the resolution.

Last came Bibi Netanyahu’s well-timed fury. The Israeli prime minister has asserted that the US orchestrated the admittedly idiotic vote against Israel. Knowing Obama, that seems entirely plausible.

Left-liberal civil libertarian Alan Dershowitz piled on by slamming Obama for lying to him early in his presidency about being friend to Israel.

Obama will further spin into spiteful oblivion when he tries to take a parting shot at Russia.

Why is this all good for America Firsters? The Process of Trump, delineated in the book “The Trump Revolution,” is ongoing. Trump, inadvertently and tactically, is chipping away at Obama’s so-called legacy, as the Left, steered by the nits at the CNN network, desperately galvanizes court historians to prop-up our empty vessel of a president.

UPDATE I (12/9): You’re witnessing a fit of pique from Barack Hussein Obama, in whom you have a loser fighting for his legacy, not for the American People.

Loser discovers the power to deport:


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Inbreeding Among Muslim Villagers: A First-Hand Account

Ilana Mercer, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Relatives, Science

Inbreeding among Muslims, as described by “Prof. Steve Jones, one of Britain’s most eminent scientists,” at least among simple villagers, is a reality with which I’m personally familiar.

The geneticist said that it was common in the Islamic world for men to marry their nieces and cousins.
He said that Bradford has a particular problem and warned that it could affect the health of children born into these marriages.
Prof Jones, who lectures at University College London, is likely to find himself at the centre of controversy in the wake of the comments.
Similar remarks made by Phil Woolas, a Labour environment minister, in 2008 resulted in calls for him to be sacked from the government.
Prof Jones, who writes for the Telegraph’s science pages, told an audience at the Hay Festival: “There may be some evidence that cousins marrying one another can be harmful. …

My late stepfather was an Israeli doctor, who worked in the “occupied” territories, specifically in the villages of Tira, Tulkarem and the Jenin neighborhood. The Triangle, it was called. He was, incidentally, beloved by his patients, who were very hospitable to us, the family. We’d be invited to many a wedding. They’d always send him home with magnificent produce as a sign of their appreciation.

Violence was almost unheard of then. Maybe because of a mighty Israeli presence. In any event, approve of it or not, after Occupation, the villagers got potable water, sewer services—before that human waste ran down the streets—and a clinic run by my devoted stepdad and his staff, fine people all. I knew them all, down to the ambulance driver.

As a doctor for the villagers, my stepdad was tasked with reducing inbreeding. As you can imagine, it caused a variety of abnormalities. (I had considered doing my high-school, biology graduation thesis on his statistically significant achievements.)

The other ghastly labor of love the poor man performed is described in the 2003 column, “THE RETURN OF THE PRODIGAL FEMINIST”:

One of the activities my stepfather undertook (but didn’t have to) was to surgically stitch up the hymens of young girls so as to prevent their barbaric mothers and fathers from slaying them. He was always very sad when his secret patchwork failed to convince the family, and the girl was found the next day with the traditional axe in her spine. Sometimes a virgin was slaughtered if she didn’t bleed “sufficiently” on her wedding night. …

MORE inbreeding.
MORE honor killing.

Cut The Cycle-Of-Violence Crap

America, History, Islam, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Multiculturalism, Nationhood, Terrorism

“Cut The Cycle-Of-Violence Crap” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

A DAY IN THE LIFE. The Bennett family’s day began with a prayer at “the Western Wall, the holiest site in Judaism.” It ended in the murder of the family’s father, stabbed to death in the Old City as he attempted to save wife and son from the same fate. A rabbi who rushed to the rescue was knifed to death, too. Twenty-two-year-old Odel Bennett found herself running for her life, a blade in her shoulder, as Palestinian onlookers jeered and spat in her direction.

As widow Odel Bennett convalesced with her toddler at the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, another Jewish woman (an elderly Iraqi) was recovering at Jerusalem’s Shaare Zedek Hospital from gun and knife wounds similarly inflicted. Her husband lay in the morgue. That couple’s day started on a “Jerusalem city bus, when two Palestinians attacked with knives and a gun,” reported National Public Radio.

Surveillance camera footage uploaded to the Internet show numerous Palestinian-on-Jew attacks in real time. Waiting at a bus stop, these Arabs are wont to turn and plunge a knife into a Jewish neighbor’s back, again and again and again.

Religious imprimatur for the current wave of attacks on Israelis comes from the highest authority in the Palestinian Authority and beyond. In mosques across the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, clerics deliver sermons brandishing scimitars, inciting the faithful to “form stabbing squads and cut the Jews into body parts.”

Mosques enjoy the support of the Palestinian family, school and authority.

UNIDIRECTIONAL VIOLENCE. This time last year—and decades prior—Muslims from East Jerusalem raided a synagogue, killing five Israelis.

These unidirectional assaults on Jews are nearly as old as the Tomb of our Patriarch Joseph. Oops: The ancient Nablus shrine was torched, the other day, by Muhammadan peaceniks, acting à la ISIS (in Syria and Iraq). …

Read the rest. “Cut The Cycle-Of-Violence Crap” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine.