Category Archives: Media

UPDATED: The Racebaiting Of Your Typical Republican & Democrat Regimists (Ana Navaro)

Democrats, Individualism Vs. Collectivism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Race, Republicans

Let’s do some political pattern recognition. Over the week-end, Jeb Bush shill Ana Navaro contemptuously characterized the Democratic primary line up as “fifty Shades of white.” (This is a favorite turn of phrase for the CNN Republican gasbag.) Regimist Republicans are Democrats by any other name. Diversity enforcement and race-bating are their common-core principles, as well.

Too white is how Obama shill Van Jones (appearing opposite Michael Thornton on CNN, 8/10/015) wrote Joe Biden off: Biden was an old white man who could not possibly cater to the rising racial justice and economic equality wings of the Democrat Party. Black Lives Matter, DREAMERS, and other racial-inclusion folks will not settle for a Joe Biden. So said Jones.

For the retarded reader, as one Ed Willing on Facebook showed himself to be, the above observation is in the realm of analysis. It does not constitute support for Democrats. In the typical Republican’s universe, you don’t analyze; you engage in world-view affirmation. The same goes for Democrats.

UPDATED: Democrat by any other name Ana Navaro, former consultant to failed GOP candidates, has just lamented to Anderson Cooper that she wishes Republicans debated more like last night’s Democrats: with substance and collegiality. The Democratic craven cluelessness on capitalism is of no concern to this new, prototypical Republican, who thinks of Democrats as a lodestar to emulate.

DRUDGE’S Source On Israel & Its Capital, United Yerushalayim

Christianity, History, Israel, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Media

DRUDGE can be overprotective in covering Israel. Today, however, the mighty Matt D. has done the opposite. The link provided on The Drudge Report, Sunday 10/11, is to a report by one Mr. Sakher Abou El Oun of Yahoo! And it is puzzling.

The Drudge headline:
“Unrest worsens as death toll rises, attack hits Jerusalem…”

Abou El Oun’s “reporting” is pockmarked with a lot of adjectives pointing toward his biases, as well as some linguistic lunacy pointing to the same thing (bias):

* “Fourteen stabbing attacks have targeted Jews since October 3, when a Palestinian murdered two Israelis in east Jerusalem’s Old City. [“Stabbing attacks” don’t “target”; men with murder on their minds do that. Moreover, if there were 14 attacks, what was the fate of the other victims? Or were the two slain Jews attacked 14 times? … Unless I don’t get this joker’s idea of a news report.]

* An Israeli husband and wife, shot dead in front of their children, are referred to as “a Jewish settler couple.”


* “… violent protests have since shaken the occupied territory as well as annexed east Jerusalem.” [We call it united Yerushalayim. An unbiased reporter would have dropped the adjectives and written “east Jerusalem.”]

“Hamas warns against ‘foolishness’…” is another Yahoo! headline on Drudge in which these terms stick out like a Muslim woman in nosebag garb:

* “… the Jewish state” [It’s Israel. However, maybe if we call America The Christian State, we’d get to keep her identity.]

* “… annexed east Jerusalem” [It’s United Yerushalayim to a good many peaceful people who know their history and want to preserve the Holy City for all peaceful visitors and inhabitants.]

Come to think of it, America’s news reporting is fast approximating the expansive style of Arabia, minus the literary beauty of “Arabian Nights.”

To my family and to the family at the Jerusalem Institute of Market Studies: Stay safe.

Benghazi: Breaking News From A Broken News Media

Government, Journalism, Left-Liberalism And Progressivisim, Media, Military, Politics

We have breaking news, screeched CNN screech Poppy Harlow. It concerns the House Select Committee’s investigation into Benghazi. The Poppy persona had my full attention (from the kitchen sink). What was it that this illiberal oafette had discovered?

Will we finally get the sods at State to disclose when came the urgent cries for military support, in the course of the Sept. 11, 2012 attack? Would we find out who at the State Department ignored the S.O.S and issued a “Stand down” directive?

Most sentient human beings—that probably excludes liberals vested in covering up for their gal, much as it ruled out, in 2003, Republicans covering for their war criminal guy—wouldn’t mind being in the know.

Wouldn’t you say?

How silly of me to have given Harlot the time of day as a newswoman. No, CNN’s Benghazi breaking news was aimed not to update viewers about an “objective fact-finding mission”; give us information as to that “broad-based probe of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.”

Rather, what Poppy was “reporting” was but part of the drip-drip, tit-for-tat of partisan politicking.

Oh, the worthy Major Bradley Podliska appears to be looking to launch a lucrative law suit for his troubles. Parasites all.

That’s what goes for “breaking news” courtesy of a broken news media.

Check out Poppy’s astounded, breaking-news expression. In Harlow’s world, this is huge:


Conservatives for Abolishing the Fact of Evil

Conservatism, Ethics, Media, Morality, Pseudoscience, Psychiatry, Reason

“Conservatives For Abolishing The Fact Of Evil” is the current column, now on The Unz Review, America’s smartest webzine. An excerpt:

The public personas who pass as conservatives are NOT system builders. We know them as conservatives not by their well thought-out, philosophically consistent thinking; but because they’ve staked out certain positions on The Issues, over time.

“Gun violence” is the term used by conservatives with this messy habit of mind. A careful thinker would allude to “goon violence.”

“For guns are not the root cause of man’s evil actions. Neither are the multiplying categories of manufactured illness in the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Evil is integral to the human condition, always has been, always will be. Evil can’t be wished away, treated away, medicated away or legislated away. It is here to stay.”

In cahoots with their left-liberal partners in crime, conservative jurists, journalists, politicians and pundits now routinely debase this moral vocabulary. “Gun violence,” they all jabber, is caused by mental illness.

Their cure for goon violence: Bring in the big therapeutic guns to do the diagnosing. With state imprimatur, the witch doctors will lay the “scientific” cornerstone for walling-in society’s oddballs.

Democrats concur: If someone does something awfully wicked, he must have an illness as real as cancer or Alzheimer’s.

Still, progressives are pioneers in abolishing the fact of evil and replacing it with a diagnosis amenable to state intervention. Did not Joseph Stalin replace the wisdom of the ages with a scientific system that deployed the therapeutic idiom to murder and imprison dissenters? Yes he did.

But while they dare not cop to it openly, a secondary goal exclusive to progressives is to destroy the very idea of a self-reliant citizenry. …

… Read the rest on The Unz Review.