Category Archives: Secession

UPDATE III (8/15): NEW COLUMN: Obama Ignores Genocide In South Africa

Barack Obama, Crime, Criminal Injustice, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, GUNS, Race, Racism, Russia, Secession, South-Africa

Obama Ignores Genocide In South Africa” is the current column, now on, The Unz Review,, and

An excerpt:

Once upon a time there were two politicians.

One had the power to give media and political elites goosebumps. Still does.

The other causes the same dogs to raise their hackles.

The first is Barack Hussein Obama; the second Vladimir Putin.

The same gilded elites who choose our villains and victims for us have decided that the Russian is the worst person in the world. BHO, the media considers one of the greatest men in the world.

Obama leveled Libya and lynched its leader. Our overlords were unconcerned. They knew with certainty that Obama was destroying lives irreparably out of the goodness of his heart.

Same thing when Obama became the uncrowned king of the killer drone, murdering Pakistani, Afghani, Libyan and Yemeni civilians in their thousands. That, too, his acolytes generally justified, minimized or concealed.

In June of 2008, Obama marked his election as “the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.” Media did not mock their leader’s delusions of grandeur.

All the estrogen-oozing amoebas of mainstream media would do in response to the Obama charm offensive was to turn to one another and check, “Was it good for you? Did he make the earth move and the oceans recede for you, too?”

Recently, Obama romped on to the Third World stage “bigly.” He delivered an address in this writer’s birthplace of Johannesburg, South Africa. The occasion: the centennial commemoration of Nelson Mandela’s birth.

On that occasion, Obama praised “the liberal international order,” which is founded on inverted morality: Good is bad and bad is good.

Small wonder, then, that nobody – broadcaster Tucker Carlson excepted – was willing to shame Obama for lauding genial thug Cyril Ramaphosa as an inspiration for “new hope in [his] great country.”

Into the Cannibal's PotOrder columnist Ilana Mercer’s brilliant polemical work, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa”

President hope-and-change Ramaphosa has gone where his four peer predecessors had not dared to go. He led a wildly fruitful effort to tweak the already watered-down property-rights provision in the South-African Constitution. Theft of land owned by whites will now be permitted.

Other than their modern-day-messiah status, BHO and his hero Mandela share something else. Both were silent about the systematic ethnic cleansing and extermination, in ways that beggar belief, of South African farmers in particular, and whites in general. …


Obama Ignores Genocide In South Africa” is now on, The Unz Review,, and

(The graphic and wording are WND’s.)

UPDATES (8/13):


License to murder:

Cruelty to animals:

Lions and Live Stock:

Methods of torture:

As I say in Into The Cannibal’s Pot, the ANC expects people will eat cake, when the farmers are no longer feeding them.

Suffer the children:

Thanks G-d for social media.

Just another day in SA:

Russia to the rescue:

UPDATES (8/15/018): Is there a Farm List?

Far better to drop the invader like Indiana Jones dispatched the keffiyeh-clad swordsman. WITH A GUN.