Category Archives: Socialism

Libertarian Feminists Make A Move On Von Mises

Gender, History, libertarianism, Private Property, Reason, Socialism

“Libertarian Feminists Make A Move On Von Mises” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

“As I paged through the dog’s breakfast of an essay titled “The Feminism of Ludwig von Mises,” I found myself wondering:

What does midwifery have to do with Mises? Both find their way into the stream-of-consciousness non sequiturs that is the article. I suppose midwifery is an occupation dominated by women. Mises was an old-fashioned, European economist whose legacy women are attempting to occupy. That must be it!

Incidentally, naming the solipsistic feminists (a redundancy, I know) who’ve made a move on the Austrian-School economist is unnecessary. “Avoid naming names when dealing with marginal characters,” I was once instructed by a veteran journalist, who was responding to a devastating critique I had penned in reply to some self-important, insignificant sorts. Joseph Farah e-mailed one of his lacerating missives: “Good job. But who the hell are these people? Their arguments are of a piece with Yasser Arafat’s. Next time, tackle the Arafat argument instead,” he admonished.

Alas, “The Feminism of Ludwig von Mises” is devoid of argument to tackle. From the fact that Mises taught and mentored capable lady scholars, the* feminists have concluded that the Austrian-School economist “actively promoted the interests of women in academia” and “saw women intellectuals in Vienna as an undervalued human resource.” …

… Indeed, it takes a degree of provincialism unique to our country’s feminists to claim that a European gentleman, born in Austria-Hungary in the late 1800s, was one of them—a rib from the feminist fraternity’s ribcage. This writer grew up in Israel at a time when quite a few elderly, highly educated Austrian gentlemen were still around. Grandfather, a master chess player, hung out with these men in Tel-Aviv chess clubs and cafés. Having actually encountered this creature in his natural habitat, I put this to you, gentle reader:

The proposition that Ludwig von Mises was a feminist is an apodictic impossibility. …

Read on. The complete column is “Libertarian Feminists Make A Move On Von Mises” now on WND.


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With Some Exceptions, ‘Women Are Fascists At Heart’

Education, Fascism, Feminism, Gender, Socialism

One only has to trace the statistically significant correlation between women’s suffrage and the change in the size and scope of the state, as did John R. Lott, Jr. (Yale University) and Lawrence W. Kenny (University of Florida), to know that Vox Day’s assertion (“women are fascists at heart”) is unassailable.

With few exceptions, “Women are, and have always been, intrinsically fascist,” writes my much-missed, WND colleague. When Vox is right he’s right. From academia to the IRS and the EPA—dig a little and you’ll find distaff America behind the illiberal, oppressive direction society is taking.

Viva Vox:

This open argument in favor of abandoning the Doctrine of Academic Freedom in favor of a Doctrine of Academic Justice is an excellent example of why women were not allowed into the universities in the first place. This is why they were not permitted to vote. We ignore the great minds of the past at our peril, and we have no right to complain about having to suffer the obvious consequences of entirely predictable actions

With a small minority of exceptions, they hate freedom and will always trade it for the promise of security, physical and emotional. The Fascists understood this. The medieval philosophers understood this. The Founding Fathers understood this. The West rejected the idea in favor of sexual equality and the myth of progress, and now the university has abandoned its centuries-old tradition of academic freedom.

Yes, there are exceptions. Yes, not all women are the same. Yes, there are brilliant and sensible women. But the salient point is that the price of female involvement is reliably too high across the board. How much more destruction can Western Civilization be expected to survive before women of sense are willing to admit that the price of female participation in matters of governance is too great? Do we really need to undergo the Great Collapse before the ancient truths can be accepted once more?

“The lesson, as always, is this: women ruin everything.”
– Bill Simmons

Desperately Needed: A Dose Of Kim-Jong-Un Justice

Democrats, Healthcare, Media, Socialism

“Desperately Needed: A Dose Of Kim-Jong-Un Justice” is the current column, now on WND. An excerpt:

… As crucial as the pundits who bestow them with the “non-partisan” adjectival are the CBOafs (The Congressional Budget Oafs). They too protect the status-quo.

This federal agency is as “independent” as the country’s columnists, who might as well register as lobbyists for the RNC or DNC respectively.

Typically, the CBO will first confirm government predictions of the great savings that will accrue due to this or the other wastrel, welfare program. Later, when it’s safer, they adjust their statistical sleight of hand.

Yes, getting reliable data out of the CBO is like frisking a wet seal. Consistent with the agency’s drive to preserve its prized position, one finds older CBO-generated news headlines heralding the following healthcare breakthroughs:

“CBO Confirms Families Will Save Money Under Health Reform.”

“CBO Update Shows Lower Costs for the New Health Care Law.”

“CBO Confirms: The Health Care Law Reduces the Deficit.”

As if the above assurances are mathematically possible, given the $1 trillion in tax increases and $2 trillion in subsidies that Zero Care imposes.

Lately, as even an Obamahead at the Washington Post deigned to report, “The CBO [has] predicted that the law would have a ‘substantially larger’ impact on the labor market than it had previously expected: The law would reduce the workforce in 2021 by the equivalent of 2.3 million full-time workers … This will inevitably be a drag on economic growth, as more people decide government handouts are more attractive than working more and paying higher taxes.”

The White House quickly countered its bean-counters by releasing the news that, to date, 3.3 million people had signed up on, and that enrollment was proceeding apace.

The swirl of new statistics is bound to disorient the ditz aforementioned. Before she forgets, let us remind Kirsten Powers of two small things. The latest sample generated by Health and Human Services is heavily weighted by:

1. People who’ve clicked on a plan but have not paid for it.
2. People like Powers who previously had insurance. First to be expunged from the individual health-care market, they have now been corralled into Obamacare.


Read on. The complete column is “Desperately Needed: A Dose Of Kim-Jong-Un Justice.”


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The Son Of Sam Promises ‘Morning In America’

Barack Obama, Propaganda, Socialism, The State

I promised “Zero Coverage of O’s ‘Stalinesque Extravaganza,’” but you knew I’d renege.

Barack Obama began his hour-long bullshit session by conjuring a Norman-Rockwell scene of an America that is no longer. Farms, churches, close-knit communities; hard-working traditional, nuclear families awakening to … “Morning in America.” An America that progressives such as himself killed off a long time ago.

Then he ran with one lie after another. The US was poised for an economic Renaissance, even though about ninety million Americans are no longer in the workforce, our kids are, on average, dumber than kids in the rest of the developed world, and we’re divided as never before.

It would appear that “our deficits” too have been “cut by more than half,” even as we carry $17 trillion in national debt and a lot more than that in unfunded liabilities.

But it’s all good.

* As he did five times before, BHO vowed to make DC work once and for all, for this was what he promised those who sent him to the Capital.
* More empty eighth-grade level waffle about the promise of America—“opportunity for all – the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead,” all the while increasing distribution and expanding entitlement programs.
* More “strengthen-the-middle-class” promises were issued while fucking the bourgeoisie over with Obamacare.
* Finally an assertion based on … science (yeah, right), contrary to the rest of the president’s lies: The First Lady is credited with helping to “bring down childhood obesity rates for the first time in thirty years.” I guess they tested Michelle’s hypothesis.

Oh, and what would the president’s slushy speech be without mention of the “son of a single mom” who became “president of the greatest nation on Earth.”