Category Archives: Socialism

GOP Sticks With Karl (Marx)

Barack Obama, Communism, Democrats, Elections 2008, Republicans, Socialism, Taxation

“To get a Democrat to admit to practicing socialism is a lot like frisking a wet seal.

To get Republicans to confess to their role in socializing America is an equally slippery affair.

The latter have been grandstanding about the plan of the wily pitch-man Obama to plunder taxpayers (the minority) so as to pay tax consumers (the majority). For the edification of GOP grandstanders, America has a tax system that energetically distributes income.

The progressive income tax is a good example of Karl Marx’s maxim, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” It is socialism by any other name.

Obama is an adherent of this socialism; as is McCain. And so is George Bush, who, as a campaign ploy, had promised to reform America’s steep tax system, but decided to stick with Karl.

Indeed, America, the cradle of capitalism, clings to Karl. Russia, the cradle of communism, has abandoned him in favor of a flat—and very low—tax on income. …”

Read the complete column, “GOP Sticks With Karl (Marx)“, on

Obama On the “World’s” Resources

Barack Obama, Elections 2008, Energy, Environmentalism & Animal Rights, Socialism

I grow weary listening to the idiots Hussein and McCain. So, last night, I switched off the debate (the last one, thank God).

I did catch the ass Obama claim that the US uses the greatest share of the world’s apparently collectively owned oil and gas resources.

Two things:

1) The idea of private property is anathema to this man. (Let’s not kid ourselves: McCain is none the wiser.) Oil and gas are not communally owned; entrepreneurs use their privately owned property to extract these resources from the ground. The same, or other, people then use their private property to turn the useless smelly compounds they’ve extracted into stuff that powers the economy—and life itself.

2) Resources are not finite. So long as man is allowed to innovate, and is free to think and act, he will find ways to turn compounds that lie inert and useless in nature into vim for the economy.

Updated: Quick-Fix Quacks

Bush, Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Socialism

“The subprime mortgage cesspool is the latest acquisition in the government’s growing disinvestment portfolio.

If you’re working from the right set of first principles, you’ll understand that the State should not have an investment portfolio.

When one works from solid first principles, predicting what will happen upon their violation is easy. What isn’t easy is arriving at the correct principles in the first place.

Holding immutably true, principled positions is both politically unpopular and intellectually unintuitive to the mindless multitudes.

But not for one very clever economist—Bob Higgs—who, like another very clever statesman—Ron Paul—predicted the mortgage miasma into which the country has slid.”

That’s an excerpt from my new WND column, “Quick-Fix Quacks.”

Update: This apt comment from Bob Higgs, whose commentary I quote extensively in “Quick-Fix Quacks”:

“People seem to be especially receptive to this message right now, perhaps because the cannibals in Washington are consuming their substance right down to the bone. Of course, the House just passed the bailout bill–the worse-than-original one–after the appropriate items had been added to assist formerly resistant members in further plunder. Democracy in action.”


Updated: Mad Mahmoud Saner Than Bailout Bastards

Economy, Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, Iran, Socialism

Who’s crazier; Mad Mahmoud Or the Bailout Bastards?

Ahmadinejad’s God gobbledygook aside, the Iranian loon has figured out something the newly crowned King Henry (Paulson) and his cronies reject root-and-branch:

“‘The U.S. government has made a series of mistakes in the past few decades,” Ahmadinejad said an interview with the Los Angeles Times. ‘The imposition on the U.S. economy of the years of heavy military engagement and involvement around the world … the war in Iraq, for example. These are heavy costs imposed on the U.S. economy.’”

“‘The world economy can no longer tolerate the budgetary deficit and the financial pressures occurring from markets here in the United States, and by the U.S. government,’ he added.”

Economist Robert Higgs has pegged all defense-related spending—the price of America’s empire—at approximately $1 trillion per year. That, and this, will do it.

Update: “THIS MASSIVE BAILOUT IS NOT THE SOLUTION, IT IS FINANCIAL SOCIALISM, AND IT IS UN-AMERICAN.” Who is Jim Bunning? He’s the only politician (other than Ron Paul) to have called the hideous thing by its name: socialism.

Senator Jim Bunning’s statement at the “Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Hearing on Turmoil in the U.S. Credit Markets”:

“We cannot make bad mortgages go away. We cannot make the losses that our financial institutions are facing go away. Someone must take those losses. We can either let the people who made bad decisions bear the consequences of their actions, or we can spread that pain to others. And that is exactly what the Secretary proposes to do – take Wall Street’s pain and spread it to the taxpayers. The plan has not even passed, and already Americans are paying for it because of the fall in the dollar as a result of all the new debt we will be taking on.

I know there are problems in the financial markets, and I share a lot of the same concerns that our witnesses do. However, the Paulson plan will not fix those problems. The Paulson plan will not help struggling homeowners pay their mortgages. The Paulson plan will not bring a stop to the slide in home prices. But the Paulson plan will spend 700 billion taxpayer dollars to prop up and clean up the balance sheets of Wall Street. This massive bailout is not the solution, it is financial socialism, and it is un-American.” [My emphasis]