Ten years too late, Chris Matthews voices discomfort with America’s airport insanity, where “old women and old men are taken out of their wheelchairs, having to do this Lord’s Walk for about 20 yards to prove that they can walk. It’s insane.”
The Johnnie-come-lately anchor of “Hardball” asked for common sense, as deployed by the Israelis (again; ten years too late): “And then you hear about this guy who raises all the red flags and the walks right through. Why to we put up with this? Is this going to come down to profiling?”
Could this creep be alluding to what I termed “Rational Profiling”? This from “Rational Profiling: Cabbies Do It Too: Cabbies Do It Too”:
Bush, we presume, is aware of the shared characteristics that distinguish Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Mohammed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, Ziad Jarrah, Hani Hanjour (all of the 9-11 “fame”); Mohammad Sidique Khan, Hasib Mir Hussain, and Shehzad Tanweer (of 7-7); Ayman al-Zawahiri’s and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (Bin Laden’s Capo Bastones).
If not, his security detail knows “Muslims proportionately commit more airline hijackings and suicide bombings than non-Muslims.” The taxpayer-funded security squads watching over our legislators certainly do not confine their protective efforts to frisking old ladies.
Yet the Bush administration has severely punished airlines “whose pilots have refused to carry Muslim men whom they regard as a security risk.” The Department of Transportation—and resentful Muslim advocacy groups—has no qualms about continually suing airlines for attempting to put the safety of passengers first.
From “Lunatic Government Occupies Airports”:
“Compiling a composite of the criminals most likely to hijack an airline or blow up a building isn’t hard. … The menace faced is invariably from ‘young Muslim men of North African, Middle Eastern and South Asian origin.’ … officials keep telling the believing ‘Boobus Americanus’ that safety lies in pretending everyone is equally weighted in his propensity to blow up an airplane. If we were on the lookout for an abortion clinic saboteur, would we be patting down Islamists, or Southern Baptist survivalists? In every other whodunit, behavioral scientists attempt to construct a criminal profile of the suspect. In the case of Islamic terrorism, however, the state won’t even use the compelling evidence it has.”
Update (Dec. 29): SMILE; YOU’RE BEING STRIPPED. Is it to be “rational profiling” or this strip-search (courtesy of Drudge)? We know the answer, as well as we know our overlords.