“… Civility Is Not A Sign Of Weakness”

China,Democrats,Elections,Foreign Policy,History


SO SAID John F. Kennedy in his Inaugural Address of Friday, January 20, 1961, fifty years ago tomorrow. I like this point. Certain individuals now ranting against President Obama’s necessary show of civility toward President Hu Jintao ought to keep it in mind. Doesn’t JFK sound almost conservative when compared to his contemporaries of both parties? “For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.” I can’t imagine any of the current crop of presidential contenders sounding nearly as natural and un-contrived about their faith and forefathers as John F. Kennedy does here.


More about China in my WND column later this evening.
More about how the Founder’s are treated nowadays here: http://www.ilanamercer.com/phprunner/public_article_list_view.php?editid1=577.

3 thoughts on ““… Civility Is Not A Sign Of Weakness”

  1. Mike Marks

    JFK does sound like a conservative given the current crop of pols. It really shows how far to the left our political system has moved. JFK even cut taxes! In some ways he sounds more Republican than a lot of Republicans do.

  2. Myron Pauli

    Perhaps you have to understand politics from the “Roll Call Magazine” Mainstream Media school of thinking. To the NEOCON, Obama equals Evil.
    And therefore, we can construct two scenarios:

    (1) Obama behaves rudely to Hu – This shows Obama’s egomaniacal messianic complex as well as his complete lack of professionalism


    (2) Obama behaves with civility to Hu – this shows how he kowtows to America’s enemies, has no respect for human rights, and is part of the Hate America crowd

    Get it – damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. They probably had their “talking points” ready even before Hu got off the plane. And guess what – the Lefties would do the same to President Palin or President Romney.

  3. Robert Glisson

    I just wish that Obama would quit bowing to every Tom, Dick and Harry. It has nothing to do with pride or gentlemanly manners, it is poor form for anyone not related to the service industry.

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