Coulter Correspondence

Ann Coulter,Ilana Mercer


As you can imagine, many of Ms. Coulter’s more maniacal followers responded to my rather tame and measured, “Coughing Up Some Coulter Fur Balls.”

As unpleasant as some got, they were never as racist, stupid, statist, and plain loathsome as the prototype, frothing-at-the-mouth left-liberal, epitomized by this character (now permanently blocked).

The left is worse than the right—about that Coulter is right.

There were, however, some lovely notes. I’ll share them with you.

Here’s one from Billy V.:

Dear Miss Mercer:

“I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to read your wonderful columns.

Miss Coulter in a confused, unprincipled woman. But Republocrats and Demopublicans are all just unprincipled rotters. And your writing on this matter is so right on. I can’t believe it but I do, and I thank you for it.

Thank you for the life saver and the rope to pull me to shore.”

Writes Rick from Florida:

“Mrs. Mercer: By pure accident, I ran into some of your comments while reading an article about fathers on the net. Your eloquence, excellent writing, precise and to-the-point observations, are quite refreshing. I tend to agree with your assessment of Anne Coulter. Absolutely no talent [i think she has talent–ILANA], very insipid [far from it–ILANA], and way off on her portrait of the 9/11 widows. My opinion? Vulgar and low. By being number one on the Best Sellers lists, she shows us how far down our country has fallen.
Keep up you great work. You now have another admirer.”

And this from R. R.:

“Ann Coulter has a tendency to incite.

You educate.


Thanks to all for taking the time to write; you made my day.–ILANA