Darn Right It’s ‘Dusk in Ron Paul’s America’

Journalism,Media,Propaganda,Republicans,Ron Paul,Uncategorized


“Paul’s supporters say they appreciate the Texas congressman’s bleak stump speech, noting that he’s been proven right on the issues before and insisting that they welcome the refreshing candor of his Cassandra-like message. … The dark tone adopted by Paul represents a dramatic departure from the traditional presidential campaign speech,” complains POLITICO. “[I]t’s dusk in [Paul’s] America, not morning. His rhetoric is also distinctly different from what his rivals are saying, even as they criticize President Barack Obama’s stewardship. Where they see waste, fraud and ineptitude in federal government and Congress, Paul sees lying, scheming and conspiracy.”

“When you count the way they did during the Depression … unemployment is probably closer to 20 percent. That’s why there’s a disconnect. People feel worse than the government tells you you’re supposed to feel,” Paul said. “The unemployment rate is much bigger, the inflation rate is much worse.”
“That’s the harsh reality of it. It is a grim situation,” said Chris Fleming of Manchester, who attended a Nashua event last week. “The whole media blackout plays a role; they don’t like having that message put out. Why would we want to walk around like horses with blinders on?”

“Remember that no matter their brand of political prostitution (Republican or Democrat), media talking heads are props to the politicos; they mirror the political class, reflecting and reinforcing the opinions—and the reality—among the elites they serve. More often than not, the chattering classes are as privileged and protected as their masters. These ‘Demopublican Monopolists’ sense that as long as they sustain their respective constituencies, they will retain their perches and their sizable salaries.

But things are a changing. The country is changing. These B-rate minds are paddling as hard as they can to save sinecure. Even if it means not facing reality. The statist men and women of the media are up the creek without a paddle. More than anything they fear losing their status.

Ron Paul makes these vainglorious individuals face reality when all they want is to save face.” (“Media Top-Dogs Kick Underdog Ron Paul”)

4 thoughts on “Darn Right It’s ‘Dusk in Ron Paul’s America’

  1. Dennis

    The roar returns and for the MSM and many Americans, well, “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH”.

    Austrian Economics, Auditing the Fed, Auditing & Inventoring Fort Knox and the New York FedRes vaults, building the Keystone XL pipeline, drilling in Alaska, opening the gas fields in various States, and returning to a Gold Standard so the common man will be able to see the ratio of Fiat Currency vs Gold-on-hand…all of these implemented as fast as reasonably possible will bring about an economic renaissance in the U.S.

    Ron Paul knows this, but others see his message as loss of their power to enslave us. GET THE MESSAGE OUT! WE’RE ON THE PRECIPICE.

  2. My RON-PAUL i

    Unemployment drops because the long-term unemployed get redefined as un-persons:


    (e.g. by defining the number of “available workers” DOWN, so unemployment also goes DOWN) but who are you going to believe, your own eyes or the Bureau of Labor Statistics?!

    The media would probably prefer the Mormon Thomas Dewey (e.g. Mitt) trying to outblather Messiah Obama (“I ran a business – I am the competent manager”) than to hear some Jeremiah telling young people that their future is being mortgaged away at $1,500,000,000,000 per year. Why not show the usual 4-star politician-generals talk about “progress” in Iraq/Pakistan/Afghanistan – places where no American can even safely walk on the streets even in broad daylight??

    While I am not a great Limbaugh fan (either one), brother David correctly summarizes the idiotic mainstream media in this column:


    Cranky “nutcase” Jeremiah Ron Paul speaks the truth. Can America maintain an Empire all over the planet, provide education through college for everyone, support all people over 65, make “high paying jobs” for everyone, cut taxes, guarantee everyone a home, grow government, subsidize energy and agriculture, all while “maintaining our liberties”?? YOU WANT THE TRUTH??:



  3. Rebel Without a Clause

    A Voice in the Wilderness. Shortly after the next American carrier attempts to force the Straits of Hormuz, that wilderness is going to burn.

  4. Robert Glisson

    Rebel: There isn’t an admiral dumb enough to send a carrier into the Straits of Hormuz. Of course, we do have politicians… In light of the gathering darkness, it is clear to some of my friends; but, to most of the people I talk to, none of the things Dr. Paul outlines are going to happen. They are divorced from reality, and I’m not even talking gloom and doom, just disintegration. I hope you know more awake individuals than I do, Ilana.

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