Ed Dutton On ‘What Kind of Women Have Abortions?’



The remarkable mind of Ed Dutton on “What Kind of Women Have Abortions?“:

Regarding the “Take ’em out of the gene pool” aspect of abortion: I’ve long commented that the incontrovertibly demented progressives should be encouraged to scrape out their wombs. Or, at least, left to their own devices, however sad. As have I mentioned two economists, John J. Donohue III and Steven D. Levitt, who’ve shown abortion to reduce crime in a statistically significant way, because of the cohort that has abortion.

BUT Ed Dutton’s round-up of this and other arguments is magnificent–and mind-shifting. For one thing, it’s like watching a machine gun fire — so easy to follow because not a word or a thought is superfluous. For another, one can humbly say that, no, I have not considered all these arguments. It’s not that one must necessarily agree—I am not a biological reductionist—but this is the meaning of genius. It makes one think:

One thought on “Ed Dutton On ‘What Kind of Women Have Abortions?’

  1. Luigi

    The juice isn’t worth the squeeze.

    Steve Sailer put to bed the myth that legalized abortion reduced crime

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