Finally, A Fox News Guest Stands Up To Laura Loud Mouth, Asserts His Expertise, Rejects Her Agenda



“No, it’s not correct. It’s not correct to say that.”—Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., to Laura Ingraham

Finally, a Fox News guest stands up to Laura Loud Mouth Ingraham—who always ends up drowning out her guests.

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, whose credentials are impeccable and apolitical-–I’ve followed him since he and his team tracked down “patient zero” in the HIV/AIDS epidemic—asserts his expertise, and rejects Ingraham’s agenda.

Chinese scientists are not to be equated with Chinese officials, Fauci explains to the ego in the anchor’s chair.


“No, you are NOT correct,” Fauci tells Laura Loud Mouth. “A World Health Organization group of respected scientists whom I know, and personally interact with, is in in China. The Chinese scientists and health officials I interact with and know personally are to be trusted. Their information is good.”

As to Laura and her rah-rah America shtick:  A pundit who uses the words “regime” constantly is a hop, skip, and a jump away from her neocon roots of regime change …

It’s fine to present your guest with your theory, succinctly. Tucker Carlson does that.

But learn from Tucker. Let the expert speak. People like me are not interested in Laura’s hackneyed views. But when she has an extremely knowledgeable guest on, we’d like him to get a word in edgeways.

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