UPDATED: Fine, We Won; Just Come Home

America,Foreign Policy,Iraq,Middle East,Military,War


“We won, we’re going home! We won! Its over! America, we brought democracy to Iraq!” Bless the poor survivor of America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq, who shouted these pathos- (and bathos) filled words out of “the back of his Stryker vehicle.” Jubilation among the soldiers, the second most abused and bamboozled people to have (voluntarily) taken part in the Iraq fiasco, is more than understandable. The first are the Iraqis, whom we conscripted involuntarily. (MURDER BY MAJORITY.)

I noticed that Keith Olbernmann and Rachel Maddow, who were honest about Bush’s war during the Bush years, have reversed course, declaring victory. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that 1) their guy Obama now owns the Iraq war. 2) Midterm elections are nearing.

“Amazing. We finally made it out, we made it back. We’re good. Happy to be here. Happy to go home. We got our mission done successfully and it was good to go.” So said Pvt. Nicholas Kelly. I’m chocking back the tears as I write (thinking of stuff like this, which I chronicled during the years of writing about Iraq).

Pvt. Troy Danahy of Hampton, N.H: I missed “Just America in general. I just miss grass, simple, little things, winter, snow and all that.”

After a mere week of 90 plus degrees in the shade here in the Pacific North-West, the olfactory sensations that come with the cool never fail to make my heart overflow for this beautiful landscape that is my home. Can you imagine how intoxicating the fragrance of home is to the poor men who’ve suffered the suffocating climate of Iraq, that barren, inhospitable, dangerous dump?

I’ll leave it at that. It’ll be a while before these men arrive on these shores of ours. Still, Welcome home. I’m a little tongue-tied, emotional, and teary-eyed myself.

Is it really over, or is this just another of their cruel, craven jokes?!

UPDATE: Recommended: “Iraq in the rear-view mirror” by Ned Parker. The Powers That Be have promised that the remaining troops will not see combat. I presume this means no more patrols for IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices).

10 thoughts on “UPDATED: Fine, We Won; Just Come Home

  1. Barbara Grant

    I loathe the hypocrisy of those who appear “anti-war” under one administration, and yet “pro-war” when _their_ guy gets elected. I very much doubt whether anyone will be able to claim “Victory in Afghanistan” when or if ever we leave that horrid country. But our media and their political allies can surely work something up there, methinks.

  2. Robert Glisson

    “It ain’t over until the fat lady sings” There are still at least fifty thousand US troops in a country the size of Arizona I believe. “http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100819/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_iraq_americans_head_home” Until the last ground pounder shows his/her backside, in the doorway of an outgoing plane, I’m not celebrating. How much off the books is possible yet?

  3. Myron Pauli

    We also turned Iran’s # 1 enemy into Iran’s puppet state – now that is great strategic thinking!

  4. Dmitri

    Firstly, as an ex soldier, I salute them (I am not a politician). My question now is this: Where will they be deployed next? Remember that these guys are battle hardened. What kind of a reception will they receive when they get back home.

    I appreciate any comments from folks from the US and/or any ex US military vets.


  5. james huggins

    We will never “win” in any part of the muslim third world. Neither will the Brits or the Russians or anybody else who seek to occupy and “mind-change” the natives. It’s like trying to make a sled dog out of a wolf. It aint gonna happen. If, for identifiable reasons in our best interest we need to take military action, then take such action and get back out. Trying to occupy one of those places is like trying to drive a flock of birds down the side of the highway. It aint gonna happen.

  6. Gringo Malo

    Obviously, we didn’t win. Iraq, which “has not had a functioning government for five months,” has more of a Kalashnikovocracy than a democracy. Now seems an excellent time to review Paul Craig Roberts’ essay “Should A Country That Can’t Defend Its Borders Invade Another?

    By the way, I feel truly sorry for the poor bastards still stuck in Iraq. They’ll pay dearly for Washington’s self-delusion. Remember Saigon in 1975? We’ll be seeing similar scenes in Baghdad soon. I hope that none of our guys misses his helicopter.

  7. Myron Pauli

    Gringo – “Kalashnikovocracy” – love it!

    Well, we just a some fully automatic AK-47 for some gunfire testing. Our Moslems friends are good for my business.

  8. Bob

    “… in any part of the muslim third world.”

    Kinda redundant don’t you think.


    After 7 years, Caroline Glick of the Jerusalem Post FINALLY realizes that the US was played for a fool by Iran, Iranian agent Ahmed Chalabi, and his cousin Forkball/Oddball/Screwball/Curveball …

    [Yes, isn’t that a joke? The column is a joke coming as it does from an Iraq armchair warrior. And Judith Chalabi, formerly of the New York Times, is now a top dog at FoxNews.]

    Of course, as happened with the Vietnam debacle, the Republican-Newtonian-Neocons will claim that victory had been won but the Democrats (eeeek) messed it all up!

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