UPDATED: Fired Up Over Firing

Business,Capitalism,Economy,Elections,Free Markets,Political Philosophy,Private Property,Reason,Republicans


As I pointed out weeks ago on an RT broadcast, Newt Gingrich attacked Mitt Romney for what are the prerogatives of private property and the fiduciary duty of a CEO managing private property: firing people or evicting them from private property.

Rush Limbaugh doesn’t quite put it in such uncompromising terms, but he points out today what a feat of unparalleled moronity is the specter of “capitalism being attacked by the Republican” presidential front-runners.” “It’s senseless. It doesn’t make any sense,” gushes Rush.

Establishment conservatives only acknowledge reality once their own kind awakens to it, in this instance, Romeny’s vigorous defense of profits was noticed by Rush due to National Review’s Jay Nordlinger, who has rightly derides Mitt Romeny’s anti-capitalism detractors.

“Over and over, Romney defends and explains capitalism. And he’s supposed to be the RINO and squish in the race?” The one guy out there defending capitalism, the one guy out there trying to explain corporate profits to the Occupy crowd, he’s the squish, he’s the moderate, he’s the guy that we have the problem with? “That’s what I read in the conservative blogosphere, every day. What do you have to do to be a ‘real conservative’? Speak bad English and belch?

[Don’t bother to post here in reply if you are unable to separate this episode from the actors you dislike, and are wont to launch into a, “I hate all establishment conservatives, therefore I, lazily, refuse to address anything they say or do, right or wrong, and demand that you, Ilana, appease my idiocy.]

UPDATE: Paul defends Romney ‘fire’ comment and history at Bain. Good for him.

What is interesting is that dumbo Dana Bash—a CNN reporter whose love for Obama is second only to Jessica Yellin’s, another CNN pack animal—spun the Paul response as strategic, rather than principled. She’s not even an “analyst,” for what that title’s worth at CNN, yet she’s parsing a Paul response for markets (a thing she has no grasp of) as a response for politics. Yellin is now, as I write, yelling with excitement because, naming anonymous sources (isn’t that a no-no in Journalism, unless a matter of life-and-death?), she has had confirmation from her Man’s camp (BHO), that Romney has unraveled in the past 48 hours. Weird. Didn’t he just win a New Hampshire Primary?

4 thoughts on “UPDATED: Fired Up Over Firing

  1. Tom Oster

    Newt Gingrich was never a part of any movement more than the movement to advance himself. That’s never been more clear than now.

  2. Rebel Without a Clause

    Capitalism used to consist of individuals and firms offering goods and services in a free market. Efficiency determined success/failure, discovered price, created real wealth. Willard Romney’s Baen operation did Wall Street-enabled DEBT-leveraged buy-outs, sucked the blood out of companies, discarded husks, exported jobs to foreign sweatshops…and vastly enriched Willard. If this is indeed “capitalism”, then let’s be done with it.

  3. My RON-PAUL i

    Excellent observations. Here is a wonderful speech by Danny DeVito on why “hardworking Waldo” should get fired if the product he is making is not profitable:


    Romney was operating a business, not a charity! Mitt should go back to business since he was good at growing business. Unfortunately, he is also good at growing government:


    I notice that Limbaugh mentions Perry and Santorum and Gingrich but not Ron Paul – who correctly defends the decision to fire unprofitable workers, switch away from unresponsive providers, and shut down unprofitable companies. Too bad that Romney didn’t follow his own business instincts and supported government TARP bailouts.

    One might argue that Mitt’s compensation at Bain was too high – but that is an issue for the Bain stockholders. I wouldn’t rank money manipulator Mitt with Jobs but he did enrich his shareholders.

    Concerning New Hampshire: Paul won among independents and those under 44 but was clobbered among Republicans over 65 who apparently don’t want the Social Welfare applecart overturned (even eventually).

    Meanwhile – about “job creation” – the egomaniacal Newt brags how many jobs HE created while he was speaker!! What a fatuous blowhard.

  4. james huggins

    I’ve tried to like Newt and Rick. I’m still working on Santorum and Paul. I really miss Michelle Bachmann but nobody in their right mind thought she would get as far as she did. I never, ever considered Romney or Huntsman. What it boils down to is that there are no real conservatives running except Ron Paul and I’m trying to get hold of some of his more unusual views. The Republicans are being handed the presidency on a platter and true to form they are fumbling the ball. Conservatives? Baloney.

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