UPDATED (4/23/016): Giving Voice (& A Little Advice) To Voiceless South Africans



The West is unenlightened when it comes to life in South Africa, in general; for whites, in particular. Accompanied by a picture of a gorgeous little girl, a young South African dad—he’d make a magnificent contribution to the US—wrote to me the other day for a plan of escape. He has little chance of getting into the US legally. US immigration laws privilege—and select for—Third Wold scofflaws. To understand how US immigration policies penalize law-abiding, white, middle-class migrants bereft of the H-1B or O-1 Visa requirements, read “Please, Can My Sister Become An Illegal Immigrant?” (boy, did G. Bush compound the problem while in office).

Suffice it to say that this man would never consider entering the country illegally without his beloved family. And even if he did; there is no militant identity group agitating on his behalf. In fact, in researching my book, “Into The Cannibal’s Pot,” I was unable to find a case of a judge affording a sympathetic hearing to a white, migrant, South-African family. The one family, having overstayed its visa and built a wonderful life, bolstered as it was by affidavits from church and community—they were sent packing by an American rogue in judicial robes.

Here’s the note received. It’s heavily redacted for his own protection. My reply follows. The following points were not brought up in the original reply:

* The dangers of couples like this falling prey to ruthless hoaxes and exploitation. The best sources for lawful immigration possibilities are reputable immigration lawyers, consulates and attendant websites.
* Canada does have a more rational, flexible immigration system, taking into account age, facility with French and English, and qualifications with respect to the changing needs of the country’s economy.

Dear Ilana,

I don’t know where to start, so I will begin with what is most important in my life, the reason for me writing this: my beautiful, 4-year-old blond baby girl.

The other day she asked me, “Daddy… will the bad man come to hurt me?” I said no they won’t because daddy will always protect you, but I knew that it’s a promise I cannot keep if she remains in South Africa.

She is stuck here surrounded by rapists, torturers and murderers. Every day I fear for her safety, every day I am reminded that she has no future here in South Africa.

I desperately need to get my family out, but we simply do not have the means to emigrate. We own very little …

We don’t want charity. What I am hoping for is that you perhaps know businessmen in the US who would be willing to employ me (or both of us).

I am 33, Afrikaans, but fully bilingual. I have 11 years of experience in the office automation industry …, technical and sales. For the last 6 years I have been running a small business from home … . I am willing to do any kind of work as long as I can support my family with it. …

… My wife is English speaking. She has extensive experience in banking and office administration.

We are both honest and hardworking people. We will be productive members of our community, wherever that may be.

We just want a normal life and to live in a country where my daughter can grow up in relative safety.

I pray that you can assist us, but even if you cannot I am eternally grateful that you are enlightening the world about what is going on in SA.

God bless you and your family
Yours Sincerely

My reply:

Dear Anon,

My heart breaks at your plight. I know it’s pervasive. As you know, my book speaks to this.

Legal immigration into the US is hard. Especially for whites. For South Africans US law has no compassion, unless non-white.

Immigration lawyers are expensive.

The criteria to enter the US have not changed; it’s still near impossible legally and while white.

Go online and investigate Australia, New Zealand and Canada. (See my opening comment about Canada. This may be the case with the other two countries.)

I’m thinking Eastern European countries like Hungary and Poland might be a good bet. That’s just me reading the tea leaves. These are places desperate to keep their heritage and national sanity. Having emerged from communism; they’re not as collectively dumb as the Anglo-American Fabians.

South American countries like Chile, too.

Sadly, all I can do is write. I will certainly write about your plight, taking care to keep your info private, of course.

I have family in SA, so …

I do hope you can carry a fire arm, although I know the right to defend your life is now heavily circumscribed. It wasn’t that way when I lived near Vereeniging.

Let me know how you and your lovely family (little one is gorgeous) are doing.


UPDATE 4/23):

2 thoughts on “UPDATED (4/23/016): Giving Voice (& A Little Advice) To Voiceless South Africans

  1. D

    Dear Ilana

    Thank you for giving us a voice… the world needs more people like you.

    What I did not mention in my email to you was that my wife’s cousin was brutally murdered in Durban two weeks ago. He leaves behind his wife and two young girls. It made me think about what would become of my daughter if this happened to me. I have to travel to very dangerous areas to repair machines. Many bad things have happened to us and people we know, but this was the final straw for me.

    It seems that all the doors are shut in English speaking countries. I really don’t want to go to a non-English speaking country because I feel that we would be socially isolated, although this might be our only option.

    I was given the advice to get an offer of employment in the US and then once we are working and living there for a few years to then apply for permanent residence. Please forgive my ignorance, but is this a viable option?

  2. D

    I just found out that I qualify for skilled immigration to New Zealand (originally I was told I do not). It means I automatically qualify for permanent resident status as well. All that I have to do now is get a job offer and we will be off – thank God!

    I want to thank you for your support.

    Please keep on telling the world what is going on here, you are truly a light shining in the darkness.

    I feel as if a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. When I look into my daughters eyes I now know for the first time that she has a future!

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