Updated: GOP, RIP?

Elections 2008,Ilana On Radio & TV,IMMIGRATION,Media,Neoconservatism,Republicans


The excerpt is from my latest WorldNetDaily column, “GOP, RIP?“:

“At bottom, what does David Brooks, the ‘Reformer,’ mean when he instructs ‘Conservatives … to appeal more to Hispanics, independents and younger voters'”?

‘Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods,’ wrote H.L. Menken. ‘If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner.’

‘Appealing to,’ or ‘reaching out,’ is political prattle for promising stuff. Republicans – ‘Reformed’ and Unreformed – have taken away from their defeat that they should be flogging more stolen goods in communities where such stuff is especially coveted.

These ‘Reformers’ want to ensure that the unreformed voter knows what’s on the menu next time around.

Time magazine would agree: “Thou Shalt not Covet” is so passé. (Or “so yesterday,” as the hip would say.)”

The complete column is here.

Update (Nov. 16): I will be chatting to Jerry Hughes of the Accent Radio Network, on his show, Conceived in Liberty. The topic: my column “GOP, RIP?” The time: 11:30 until 12:00 PM, Pacific.

4 thoughts on “Updated: GOP, RIP?

  1. Tom

    I have no objection to ethnic or racial minorities joining the Republicans, if they are conservative in their values, including belief in the rule of law and the United States constitution, which eliminates illegal immigration and deports illegal immigrants; however, it seems that the majority of ethnic or racial minorities are either illegal aliens or liberals or Democrats, and thus unlikely to join the Republicans, unless the Republicans become just like the liberal Democrats, as seems to be the intent of the treasonous Republicans, to abandon tradition Republican values, and to overwhelm and destroy the Republicans by large numbers of third world immigrants, legal or illegal, it doesn’t seem to make much difference to the treasonous Democrats, who seem intent upon making illegal aliens into US citizens and Democrats, and future citizens of the New World Order treasonous One World Government.

  2. GeoPal

    Brooks and his like have no qualms promising missionaries to the cannibals because that has been the way to the throne since the time of Roosevelt II. He and the rest of the deluded Republican promise keepers seem to think that they can offer a reduced sodium, low fat, fewer calories, version of the fatted dreck the left promises and win the votes of a morbidly obese electorate.

    McCain’s pandering to Hispanics was more than just promising missionaries to the cannibals. In fact his entire social and political take on the world suggests his kowtowing may have a deeper motivation than votes or popularity. His public angst seems credible (making the Rev. Wright off limits?) and has the whiff of a repentant sinner.

    As to the GOP RIP, I’m afraid you’re probably right. Only a loud, long, bloody, revolution will convince me there’s a pulse and hope of recovery. Otherwise, it’s dead and good riddance.

  3. gunjam

    Ms. Mercer, thank you for this needed expose on one of the leading proponents of the “let’s out-Democrat the Democrats” wing of the Republican Party. There is clearly an on-going struggle for the soul of the Party. The grassroots — after 20 years (Bush I, Dole, Bush II, McCain, et al) of domination by these intellectual and moral weaklings — are finally demanding a Republican Party leadership structure that represents their views. Of course, the bluebloods will not go gracefully, arguing instead that it is we bitter, gun-clinging, religious “social conservatives” who must go. I wonder whom they suppose will pull the lever for them? Pandered-to Hispanics? Good luck with that, Mr Brooks. In this past election, Texas was mostly red (outside the big cities) except ALONG THE BORDER.

  4. Myron Pauli

    Since the Republicans stand for nothing but winning elections, I would suggest that they put up a Mexican Socialist Woman in 2008. In order to “hold the base”, she should be pro-life – thus, the Mexican Socialist Woman can appeal to the poor, the Hispanics, women, and the base. That is, after all, the calculus of “winning”.

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