Growing GOP Menagerie Of Morons (The Bristol Bump And Grind)

Ethics,Media,Morality,Pop-Culture,Relatives,Republicans,Sarah Palin,The Zeitgeist


I have long argued in this space that Republican women, with two exceptions, are either vulgar or vacuous, and sometimes both. We’re approaching a critical mass of evidence.

Bristol Palin is yet another exhibit in the GOP menagerie of morons. Granted, she is not a Republican, but she is closely allied with a prominent GOPer. With respect to Bristol’s bump and grind routine on “Dancing With The Stars,” allow me to apply a line often applied in such emergencies by the one-and-only Joan Rivers:

Bristol, I don’t need to see your v-gina.

At the same time that Bristol bared her chubby thighs, Katherine Schwarzenegger—who, like Meghan McMoron, is indubitably a Democrat at heart like her parents— used the celebrity of her mom and dad to launch a career in “journalism.” More bad, banal books to crowd out the good.

Still, as contemptible and unethical as this celebrity career path is (a path trodden by the silver-haired, silver-spooned Anderson Vanderbilt Cooper), you have to admit that young Schwarzenegger looks like a sweetie (and ever-so pretty) compared to her Republican cohort.

For grotesque, nothing beats Meghan McCain and her appendages.

9 thoughts on “Growing GOP Menagerie Of Morons (The Bristol Bump And Grind)

  1. Efrem

    OY!! Meghan McCain’s “appendages” remind of this bad b-movie called “Leprechaun in Vegas” where this lady wished for big you know whats and the Leprechaun kills her by blowing up her you know whats. McCain is horrrrible.

  2. Ingemar

    Hearing Bristol Palin’s name on the lineup of Dancing With The Stars (a show that I’ve never watched, and probably will never start watching) elicited a “face palm” moment from me.

    I suppose the Palins have invented a new proverb–“If at first you don’t succeed, use your failures to media whore yourself.”

  3. james huggins

    I fail to see why this is important. Bristol is trying to make something out of the mess of her life. That it is in poor taste and probably not wise is not of any importance to us. I suppose a lot of people are happy to see her bid for fame fall short because it gives them a chance to reflect poorly on her mother. She’s not the first untalented offspring of a prominent parent who tried to hit it in shobiz. Cut the kid some slack. We don’t need to like her dancing but, as I said, who should care anyway.

  4. james huggins

    There are plenty targets out there who need a well placed jab in the shorts without wasting our venom on a kid like Bristol.

  5. George Pal

    Meghan McCain looks like she’s auditioning for a Russ Meyer movie. Someone please let her know Russ died six years ago.

  6. Dan Jeffreys

    Whether it’s Bristol or her loser “baby daddy”, they seem to suffer from the same “can’t except that my 5 minutes of fame are over” syndrome.


  7. George Pal

    She’s not politically spoken for but she’s on the fast track to something.
    America’s Perfect Teen is 16(?), hails from Wales(?) and flashes tail(?). Someone clue FOX (distaff diversity issues) and cue Joan Rivers.

  8. Mike Marks

    Well you just never know what is going to pop up or should I say pop out on BAB. Goodness the McCain girl could hurt someone with those, um appendages.

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