Heartbreak Harvey & The Pale, Patriarchal, Pen-s People

Environmentalism & Animal Rights,Ethics,Etiquette,Gender,Race,The West


As hard as I try, I can’t help noticing that in every heartbreaking Harvey clip it’s the pale, patriarchal, pen-s people doing most, if not all, the heavy lifting. (Yeah, yeah, I know, America is a majority-white country, as John Daniel Davidson of the Federalist noted with trepidation.)

So I’ll pretend I didn’t notice, and you do the same, and let’s thank our brave men (and women Cute Wink | Symbols & Emoticons) rescuers, whatever your background (Cute Wink | Symbols & Emoticons). You are a magnificent, multicultural lot (Cute Wink | Symbols & Emoticons).

Give it up for Sheriff T. Nehls

And for the Coast Guard: