Updated: He’s A Magic Man (Not)

Barack Obama,Etiquette,Europe,Foreign Policy,Politics,Sport


There are many ways in which a politician can throw his weight around and display his insularity and solipsistic self-absorption. The Obama entourage’s vulgar show of self-importance—down to the feeble-minded Talker they took along for the ride in their bid for the next Olympics—must have gotten under the collective skin of the more understated Nordic, European folks. Europeans have been first to shatter Obama’s messianic invincibility.

In a previous post, “How She Sacrifices For Us,” I wondered when the Europeans would finally get “sick-and-tired of the Obama dog-and-pony show. I assume they have some pride.”

Well, the time has arrived—and sooner than I imagined it would. But I’m not complaining. “The 2016 Games are going to Rio de Janeiro,” reports MSNBC. “Chicago was knocked out in the first round, despite in-person lobbying by President Barack Obama — one of the most shocking defeats ever handed down by the International Olympic Committee.”

The slap to Chicago was such that some IOC members were left squirming. The city’s plans for Olympic competition along its stunning Lake Michigan waterfront had long made it a front-runner and earned support from the highest possible level — President Barack Obama himself. His wife, Michelle, flew in two days before the vote to butter up IOC members, an essential part of the selection process. And Obama himself flew in Friday morning.

IOC members had seemed wowed, posing for photos with Mrs. Obama and taking souvenir shots of the president with their mobile phones. But, in the vote, Chicago was shunned.

Update (Oct. 3): THE TIMES OF ENGLAND (warning; intelligent writing ahead): “Mr Obama was greeted — as usual — like a rock star by the IOC delegates in Copenhagen — then humiliated by them. Perception is reality. A narrow defeat for Chicago would have been acceptable — but the sheer scale of the defeat was a bombshell, and is a major blow for Mr Obama at a time when questions are being asked about his style of governance.

… Chicago’s dismal showing yesterday, after Mr Obama’s personal, impassioned last-minute pitch, is a stunning humiliation for this President. It cannot be emphasised enough how this will feed the perception that on the world stage he looks good — but carries no heft.”

In their understated, quiet way, the Europeans may have done us a favor. However, will a man with a messianic complex (Bush had it but, other than the Republicans, no one bought into his delusions) intensify his efforts at tyranny? On second thought, is that even possible?

8 thoughts on “Updated: He’s A Magic Man (Not)

  1. Barbara Grant

    Yes, I’m sure that the Europeans have begun to see through BHO and his egotism, but also, there is no near-guarantee that a very good candidate U. S. city is going to be selected, unlike the situation of the past. We are no longer the global superpower; we squandered much of what we had; and we are a huge debtor nation.

    Too bad, though: Chicago would have been a great venue. The fact that it didn’t even make the finals is telling.

  2. M.B. Moon

    Detroit would seem to be a natural for the Olympics. Plenty of open space if some of the abandoned housing was torn down. The theme could be “The Wonders of Fractional Reserve Banking” with the remaining abandoned housing as exhibits.

    New games, such as modern urban street fighting could be created. The possibilities seem endless.

  3. George Pal

    Considering our dire economic straits and the losing proposition (financially) the turgid Olympics have become, Chicago is a winner – twice over. Its citizens are spared the cost and its corrupt politicians are denied an opportunity for Olympian sized graft.

  4. Myron Pauli

    I also wondered who paid the bills for Obama’s extraconstitutional lobbying.

    The Olympics have reeked of arrogance and hypocrisy from the beginning. What also strikes me is when people talk about how many medals “we” won – well, unless you were actually participating, you didn’t win any. I fail to see why people’s property should be confiscated via eminent domain and via taxes to pay for collectivist “nationalistic” dreams of glory.

    Like many of those in the founding generation, I have never liked traces of royalism or the cult of leader-worship that our Big Man revels in (as did Bush II). I miss the true greatness that was Gerald Ford.

    My condolences to the taxpayers and property owners of Brazil.

  5. Steve Hogan

    If the media were doing its job, someone would have figured out how much money this embarrassing couple spent lobbying to host a what amounts to a glorified track meet. But that would call into question our great overlord. We can’t have that!

    “Vulgar” is a perfect description of what the first family is exhibiting every day. The arrogance is jaw-dropping.

    One would think running several wars, a quasi-police state, and nationalization of entire industries would keep Obama busy. No, the Great Leader must grace us with his wisdom on all matters, large and small. What a hoot.

    Does Barack have any clue as to how ridiculous he looks? Is he really that oblivious? Can this country survive another 3+ years of this nonsense?

    I think we’re doomed. Buy gold.

  6. Roy Bleckert

    Maybe ” All Hype Hussein ” is not quite ready to fill the shoes he has been given ?

  7. John Danforth

    “…will a man with a messianic complex … intensify his efforts at tyranny? On second thought, is that even possible?”

    We can hope that the ego, the arrogance, and the cocksure philosophy that comprise this syndrome make it impossible for him to do otherwise. I predict that as failures mount, a Clintonesque deflection mechanism will aid in blindness to reality, along with increasingly transparent efforts to propagandize the masses to join in the mass hysteria.

    I encourage the left to continue dancing in the end zone over their victory, and try to pass every socialist, feel-good, do-good piece of dung they can possibly foist on the country, just as fast as they possibly can.

    Hopefully, they will ramp up the grand delusion scheme past the point of absurdity, and we can watch a succession of Big Lies fall one by one into the pit of ignominy where they belong.

    Just as a child must touch a hot stove for himself before he really understands your warnings, it appears an indoctrinated public must experience a fall into misery before its members can be bothered to kill the tapeworm that is eating out our sustenance.

    Might as well make it stick for awhile next time.

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